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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de graptemys posté le 09-02-2012 à 17:23:25 (S | E | F)

    Quoi, vous imaginez tout ce qu'ils avalent quotidiennement comme polluants nos pauvres petits poissons de rivière? Pour les aider, je postule dans un laboratoire d'écologie...Si quelqu'un pouvait jeter un coup d'oeil et me signaler les fautes, je lui en serais reconnaissante (et je parlerai de lui à mon Bubulle dans son grand aquarium! ;)
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Mr Banks,

    having obtained in 2010 a Master in Biology an environment, I was fascined very young by aquatic middles. I started to raise turtles, and fish, alays knowing hat when the time to study would come, I would turn my passion into a vocation. I choose to study in freshwater laboratory in Reims, where we notably work on determining the state of a river or a laker with the help oh the biological indicators. As master thesis's subject, I choose to study the effets of Encocrine disrupting chemicals on the bullhead Cottus gobio, a kind of subject of which I thin you study in Stuttgart University. The aims of the study was to determine if the bullhead could have been a good bioindicator of presence of endocrine pollutants, but it transpired that species wasn't as reactive to those EDC than goujon, at that time used for those kind of studies. Being well aware of the necessity to be polyvalent, I work one year in aquariophily in order to pay for a Master in ecophysiologie and ethology. I'm currently carrying out a study about the dynamics of the falcon Falco peregrinus in Reims, a very interesting issue that allows me to learn how to use to the SIG technics.

    During a 4 months internship in Stuttgart, I fell in lov with your town and the German language, which I am learning daily. The mentality of Reinland-Pfalz, strict and well turned into ecology, appealed me so much that I decided to move 30 minutes from there, 100m from the natural reserve of Leurg on the Rhin. I would like to know if it is possible to get the password allowing the access to the phD subjects on website Uni-Landau.

    Would you want to know more about my work, I enclose my CV to the mail. I would be pleased to talk with you avec those subjects, or my own suggestions.

    Sincerely yours

    Audrey XXX

    Modifié par lucile83 le 09-02-2012 22:05
    + forum

    Réponse: Motivation/poissons de robertbrou, postée le 09-02-2012 à 19:00:44 (S | E)
    Bonjour graptemys,

    Il y a pas pas mal de petites fautes. Pour les noms du poisson et du faucon, j'ai mis leur équivalent latin entre parenthèses, La phrase concernant le mot de passe n'a rien à voir avec le reste de la letter. Je suggérerais la supprimer. Le dernier paragraphe est à refaire. Je le commencerais par "Enclosed is my CV ..., if you would like ..."
    Légende: faute, suggestion/correction offerte, correct mais un autre mot marcherait mieux

    having obtained in 2010 (placement) a Master's in Biology and environment, I was fascined (orthographe) at a very young age by aquatic middles (revoir milieux). I started to raise turtles, and fish, alays (orthographe) knowing hat (idem) when the time to study would come, I would turn my passion into a vocation. I choose (temps) to study in (manque article indéfini) ) freshwater laboratory in Reims, where we notably (placement; moi j'utiliserais un synonyme) work on determining the state of a river or a laker (orthographe) with the help oh (orthographe) the biological indicators. As master thesis'sFor my masters thesis subject, I choose (temps) to study the effets (orthographe) of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the bullhead (Cottus gobio), a kind of subject of which I thin (orthographe; j'utiliserai synonyme) you study in (à= to, at, in mais 'in' ne march pas ici) Stuttgart University. The aims of the study was to determine if the bullhead could have been a good (j'utiliserai un synonyme) bioindicator of (manque article défini) presence of endocrine pollutants, but it transpired that (the, this,...?) species wasn't (accord nom verbe) as reactive to those EDC (?-introduction d'un sigle sans le définir) than goujon (à traduire), at that time used for those kind (accord adjectif nom) of studies. Being well aware of the necessity to be polyvalent, I work (temps) one year in aquariophily (orthographe) in order to pay (moi, j'utiliserais un synonyme) for a Master's in Ecophysiologie (orthographe) and Ethology. (Vous faites 2 master?) I'm currently carrying out a study about the dynamics of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Reims, a very interesting issue that allows me to learn how to use to the SIG technics (Voulez-vous dire "techniques").

    During a 4 months internship in Stuttgart, I fell in lov (orthographe) with your town and the German language, which I am learning daily. The mentality of Reinland-Pfalz, strict and well turned (orthographe) into ecology, appealed to me so much that I decided to move 30 minutes from there, 100m from the natural reserve of Leurg on the Rhine. I would like to know if it is possible to get the password allowing the access to the phD subjects on website (placement) Uni-Landau.

    Would you want to know more about my work, I enclose my CV to the mail. I would be pleased to talk with you avec (mauvais mot) those subjects, or my own suggestions.
    Sincerely yours

    Hope this helps!

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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