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    Lettre/famille d'accueil

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    Lettre/famille d'accueil
    Message de acidpralin posté le 13-02-2012 à 19:30:09 (S | E | F)

    Pour partir au Japon l'année prochaine, je dois écrire une lettre à ma future famille d'accueil en anglais. Comme ce serait mieux de ne pas l'envoyer truffée de fautes, je sollicite votre aide pour me corriger ! Merci pour vos réponses.
    Comme c'est très long, je m'excuse d'avance...

    Ma lettre :

    Dear Host Family,

    Above all, I would like to thank you to welcome me in your house. I’m sure that thanks to you, my stay will be fantastic and unforgettable.

    Time to introduce myself : I’m Solène, a French girl of 17 years old. My eyes are green, I have chestnut hair and I’m not tall at all. I live in Cholet, which is not a big city but it’s nice to live there. I have two little brothers : the first, Clément, is 15 years old ; he goes in the same school as me : at Renaudeau High School. The second is Tom, a funny boy of 10 years old. My parents are separated : I live with my father in Cholet while my mother and Tom live in Saint Nazaire, next to the sea (I go there one weekend of two). Saint Nazaire is also a nice city and it’s closer to Nantes, the prefecture of my region. In Saint Nazaire, I like to go shopping because there are more shops than in Cholet. I have a pet (a guinea pig) named Pirouette. My brother, Clément, has one too, her name is Chouquette. Tom has two cats in Saint Nazaire : Nini (Nini-Ninja is his complete name) and Soquette.

    Shyness is one of my traits, but I’m also determined, hard worker and ambitious. My hobbies are : watching movies, listening to music on my computer, hanging around with my friends, go shopping with them, studying Japanese and talking with people all over the world. I also love skiing, horse riding, swimming and traveling. I can play the piano and a little the guitar : I like to play my favorites songs on the piano and accompany my father when he plays the guitar. I have ever been in England, in Spain, in Switzerland, in Poland but I never went to Japan. I already did 3 exchanges student of one week with school : 2 in Spain and 1 in England. I have always been interested by languages and others cultures.

    Japanese culture has especially interested me for a long time : I like the Japanese lifestyle, Japanese writing style, Japanese cooking, Japanese gardens,... so on ! Therefore, traveling in Japan is my dream. Although I study Japanese for 2 years, I don't speak very well... But I will do my best ! I can speak English and Spanish too. As the Japanese option in high school is rare, I study Japanese at the Municipal Institute of Languages (Institut Municipal des Langues or IML). I spend a lot of time trying to learn my kanji because the policy of the IML is to focus on oral language, so we don’t learn kanji there.

    I became interested by this kind of program because I want to experience being educated in a Japanese high school, feeling the differences between our two cultures (in the daily life as well as in school), I want to kicking back on French culture, and of course improve my Japanese. Through this program, I also expect to gain a little more autonomy to start, for later, my adult life. Furthermore, some of my friends spent time in another country with the same type of program and they told me it was an unforgettable and amazing experience. They also told me that if I have the opportunity, it may be a great advantage in professional life, as well as in everyday life. This is especially true as I would like to have a job in translation or interpretation. After my stay in Japan, I plan to enter university in LEA (Applied Foreign Languages, LEA in French) to study English, Japanese, and maybe Spanish. In this section there is also an economical part, that’s why I think that another year of high school will allow me to improve myself in the others subjects.

    As I said before, I have always dreamed to come in Japan. Thanks to you, my dream will come true. For that, I will be forever grateful and I hope we’ll maintain good relations during a long time after the exchange. During my stay, I want to get to know you, adopt your lifestyle and your habits, I want to share the French culture and discover your wonderful country with your eyes. I'm glad to meet you because I’m sure we will spend amazing moments together. Otherwise, I'm atheist but I can participate at all activities you want me to do, even if it's a religious activity : I'm respectful and open-minded. Moreover, I don't want to be a burden for your family, so do not hesitate to tell me what I should do to help everyone. Then, if you want me to help someone in the family in French, I will do my best for being a good teacher.

    I want to meet a lot of people, make me new friends, discover new things, speak Japanese with Japanese people, improve myself in this language… have good memories ! It will be great to live as a high school student in Japan and I’m really excited to wear the uniform ! I just can’t wait for meeting you in Japan.

    It was kind of you to read me.
    With best wishes,

    Je suis ouverte à toute suggestion.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2012 19:48
    + forum

    Réponse: Lettre/famille d'accueil de notrepere, postée le 14-02-2012 à 00:16:49 (S | E)

    Above all, I would like to thank you to welcome me in your house. I’m sure that, thanks to you, my stay will be fantastic and unforgettable.

    Time to introduce myself : I’m Solène, a French girl of 17 years old. My eyes are green, I have chestnut hair and I’m not tall at all. I live in Cholet, which is not a big city but it’s nice to live there. I have two little brothers : the first, Clément, is 15 years old ; he goes in the same school as me : at Renaudeau High School. The second is Tom, a funny boy of 10 years old. My parents are separated : I live with my father in Cholet while my mother and Tom live in Saint Nazaire, next to the sea (I go there one weekend out of two (or "every other week")). Saint Nazaire is also a nice city and it’s closer to Nantes, the prefecture of my region. In Saint Nazaire, I like to go shopping because there are more shops than in Cholet. I have a pet (a guinea pig) named Pirouette. My brother, Clément, has one too, her name is Chouquette. Tom has two cats in Saint Nazaire : Nini (Nini-Ninja is his complete name) and Soquette.

    Shyness is one of my traits, but I’m also determined, hard working and ambitious. My hobbies are : watching movies, listening to music on my computer, hanging around with my friends, go shopping with them, studying Japanese and talking with people all over the world. I also love skiing, horse riding, swimming and traveling. I can play the piano and a little the guitar (ordre des mots) : I like to play my favorites songs on the piano and accompany my father when he plays the guitar. I have ever been in England, in Spain, in Switzerland, in Poland but I never went I have never been to Japan. I already did 3 exchanges student of one week with school : 2 in Spain and 1 in England. I have always been interested by languages and others cultures.

    Japanese culture has especially interested me for a long time : I like the Japanese lifestyle, Japanese writing style, Japanese cooking, Japanese gardens,... so on ! Therefore, traveling in Japan is my dream. Although I study Japanese for 2 years(temps à revoir), I don't speak very well... But I will do my best ! I can speak English and Spanish too. As the Japanese option in high school is rare, I study Japanese at the Municipal Institute of Languages (Institut Municipal des Langues or IML). I spend a lot of time trying to learn my kanji because the policy of the IML is to focus on oral language, so we don’t learn kanji there.

    I became interested by this kind of program because I want to experience being educated in a Japanese high school, feeling the differences between our two cultures (in the daily life as well as in school), I want to kicking back on French culture, and of course improve my Japanese. Through this program, I also expect to gain a little more autonomy to start, for later, my adult life. Furthermore, some of my friends spent time in another country with the same type of program and they told me it was an unforgettable and amazing experience. They also told me that if I have the opportunity, it may be a great advantage in professional life, as well as in everyday life. This is especially true as I would like to have a job in translation or interpretation. After my stay in Japan, I plan to enter university in LEA (Applied Foreign Languages, LEA in French) to study English, Japanese, and maybe Spanish. In this section there is also an economical part, that’s why I think that another year of high school will allow me to improve myself in the others subjects.

    As I said before, I have always dreamed to come inof going to Japan. Thanks to you, my dream will come true. For that, I will be forever grateful and I hope we’ll maintain good relations during a long time after the exchange. During my stay, I want to get to know you, adopt your lifestyle and your habits, I want to share the French culture and discover your wonderful country with your eyes. I'm glad (futur me semble mieux) to meet you because I’m sure we will spend amazing moments together. Otherwise, I'm an atheist but I can participate at all activities you want me to do, even if it's a religious activity : I'm respectful and open-minded. Moreover, I don't want to be a burden for your family, so do not hesitate to tell me what I should do to help everyone. Then, if you want me to help someone in the family in French, I will do my best for being to be a good teacher.

    I want to meet a lot of people, make me new friends, discover new things, speak Japanese with Japanese people, improve myself in this language… have good memories ! It will be great to live as a high school student in Japan and I’m really excited to wear the uniform ! I just can’t wait for meetingto meet you in Japan.

    It was kind of you to read me (ne se dit pas - choisissez une autre expression).

    Modifié par notrepere le 14-02-2012 00:16

    Réponse: Lettre/famille d'accueil de acidpralin, postée le 14-02-2012 à 10:45:25 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !
    Pour "kicking back on" je voulais dire quelque chose comme "prendre du recul sur la culture française" mais je ne sais pas trop comment on dit ça alors j'ai cherché sur google translator et ça m'a mis ça
    Bonne continuation !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2012 15:29

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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