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    Lettre motivation/aide

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    Lettre motivation/aide
    Message de nololo posté le 06-06-2012 à 21:52:34 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    je viens de faire ma lettre de motivation en anglais mais malheureusement je ne suis pas du tout sûr de la bonne orthographe et grammaire de cette dernière.
    Serait-il possible d'avoir une petite correction?
    Les points de suspension sont le nom de mon école, le nom de l'entreprise pour lequel je postule ainsi que son secteur d'activité.
    C'est une lettre pour un poste en alternance dans le contrôle de gestion/finance.
    En vous remerciant par avance.
    Bonne soirée à tous !

    Dear Madam, dear Sir,

    Currently graduate of the « Bachelor » in International Management followed in the ........, I want to get a master in work-study programs at the ... or the ..... I’m looking for a company to welcome me in apprenticeship in the Cost controlling or finance from September 2012.

    "company" is my priority. Indeed, in continuous movement, the "..." sector attracts me and I would be satisfied to participate to the development of the ... Group. This apprentice will allow me to increase my knowledge and will be a benefit for your company.

    During my three years in the bachelor program, I got many cost controlling and finance skills, I strongly worked these skills outside school. I also developed my knowledge in many other areas, such as marketing, accounting, logistic or even international trade. I worked in many group projects related to finance or business in my school.

    Throughout my year of study in Italy and my work experiences in France and in England, I acquired a strong adaptability, a very good level of spoken and written English and also an excellent Italian. I have the following abilities and beliefs:
    • Analytical and visualization
    • Organizational skills
    • Autonomy

    I have a keen interest in finance and business controlling. These fields allow working in the overall activities of a group by gathering information and who require a good analysis and synthesis skills.

    I am a hard working and self disciplined person sensitive to others. I believe my qualifications would match your requirements and I look forward discussing these issues with you in person.

    Yours faithfully,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2012 22:00

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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