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    Help / cover letter

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    Help / cover letter
    Message de phil1985 posté le 24-08-2012 à 22:15:05 (S | E | F)
    Hello everybody,

    If someone could be nice enough to have a look at my cover letter below, it would be awesome.
    Thanks a lot for your help which is much appreciated.

    I am writing to apply for a traineeship with the support of Pr XX who directed my training this year. I am currently completing a master’s degree of Drug Design and Screening at Université of P7 and am interested in joining the Chemical Biology Group of which you are in charge from January 2013 to June 2013. Please find enclosed my CV.

    The experience of an intership in such a reputable and prestigious entity as the XXX in the drug discovery domain, would be for me a great honor that I fully measure the responsibility.
    In addition, the attachment of the laboratory to the University of XYZ which is an internationally renowned research-intensive University would give me a unique opportunity to take a first decisive step toward a career in research.

    As a Life-Science student, I have had to use research and analysis skills throughout my masters courses. I am diligent with an inquiring mind as evidenced by the originality of my education in different places and my results and rankings.
    Enterprising by nature, I have also teamwork skills even if I am capable of a full autonomy at work. I have developed some of these skills this year thanks to my classmates because we were a small united group of about fifteen people.
    Finally, I can adapt to different working situations and I understand what it means in term of responsibility to work in a structure such as the XXX where compliance with the objectives is essential.

    I am really motivated to integrate your group during an internship as well as your current researches on the protein kinase family. I am available for any complementary information and look forward to hearing from you in due course.

    Yours sincerely

    Edited by lucile83 on 24-08-2012 22:28

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