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    Scrambled words '174'

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    Scrambled words '174'
    Message de marit64 posté le 13-09-2012 à 00:12:56 (S | E | F)

    Last week I forgot to tell you that I was going on a trip. I'm really sorry for that.

    Will you forgive me, please, please, please?

    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ..... (sssdriet)
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ..... (htpeimsn)
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (tmcsuermhyahn)
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ..... (toepnri)
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ..... (wwtdnnoo)
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ..... (geas)
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ..... (rceo)
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. ..... (tpdrnee)
    9- A tool used to make holes. ..... (rldli)
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (lssitt)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice week!

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '174' de flowermusic, postée le 13-09-2012 à 00:39:03 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Nice to find you again. And as usual, that's my "masked" answers with my friend "grey ?" ..... to let everybody discover your new words, without the answer.

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ..... (sssdriet) distress
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ..... (htpeimsn) shipment
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (tmcsuermhyahn) chrysanthemum
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ..... (toepnri) pointer
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ..... (wwtdnnoo) downtown
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ..... (geas) sage
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ..... (rceo) core
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. ..... (tpdrnee) pretend
    9- A tool used to make holes. ..... (rldli) drill
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (lssitt) stilts

    Have a nice week

    Réponse: Scrambled words '174' de headway, postée le 13-09-2012 à 09:09:50 (S | E)

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ..... Distress.
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ..... Shipment.
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... chrysanthemum.
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ..... Pointer.
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ..... Downtown.
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ..... Sage.
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ..... Core.
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. ..... Pretend.
    9- A tool used to make holes. ..... Drill.
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... Stilts.


    Réponse: Scrambled words '174' de dolfine56, postée le 13-09-2012 à 09:27:03 (S | E)
    Hello, dear Marit,
    I hope you enjoyed this trip..don't worry,.you are forgiven...

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ..... (sssdriet)distress
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ..... (htpeimsn)shipment
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (tmcsuermhyahn)chrysanthemum
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ..... (toepnri)pointer
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ..... (wwtdnnoo)downtown
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ..... (geas)sage
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ..... (rceo)core
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. ..... (tpdrnee)to pretend
    9- A tool used to make holes. ..... (rldli)drill
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (lssitt)stilts

    Have a nice week
    see you soon.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '174' de swan85, postée le 13-09-2012 à 20:17:16 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ..... (sssdriet) Distress
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ..... (htpeimsn) Shipment
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (tmcsuermhyahn) Chrysanthemum
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ..... (toepnri) Pointer
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ..... (wwtdnnoo) Downtown
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ..... (geas) Sage
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ..... (rceo) Core
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. ..... (tpdrnee) Pretend
    9- A tool used to make holes. ..... (rldli) Drill
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. (lssitt) Stilts

    Thank you very Much Marit and have a nice week-end

    Réponse: Scrambled words '174' de sanna6, postée le 19-09-2012 à 20:30:05 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- Great sorrow, trouble or pain. ...distress
    2- A load of goods sent by sea. ...shipment
    3- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ...chrysanthemum
    4- A long stick used to indicate places on a large map. ...pointer
    5- The part of a city containing the main centres for business and shopping. ...downtown
    6- A plant whose leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. ...sage
    7- The innermost part of something especially fruit. ...core
    8- To make believe that something is true, in play. pretend
    9- A tool used to make holes. ...drill
    10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (lssitt)stilts

    Thanks a lot Marit

    Modifié par sanna6 le 19-09-2012 20:30

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