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    Lettre motivation/correction

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    Lettre motivation/correction
    Message de agoradiak posté le 10-10-2012 à 00:57:03 (S | E | F)

    Je ne sais pas si je suis dans la bonne rubrique, si ce n'est pas le cas je m'en excuse d'avance..
    J'ai rédigé une lettre de motivation en Anglais dans le but d'effectuer un stage à l'étranger. Cependant, je ne sais pas si la grammaire ainsi que le sens de la lettre sont corrects. C'est pourquoi j'ai besoin de votre aide.

    Re: Internship application
    Dear Sir, and Madam,
    I’m studying in second year of master’s degree of XX, I would like to do a internship in your research center, because your research projects, are topical and perfectly in agreement with fields that I like, particularly life sciences. The internship can begin between the 7th january and the 1st march 2013, for duration of 6 month.

    My university program is multidisciplinary many different fields were saw during this 5 years of study, giving me great competences in ecology and conservation of biodiversity. I learned microbiology, population genetics, plants, animals, and dynamics of their populations. I gained knowledge in others aspects of biology, like pedology, molecular biology, enzymology, as well as land settlement, and sustainable development. I did two works experiences of 4 months. It allowed me to realize a complete work on different animals’ species. That’s why, I have learnt a lot on the research world for my first internship, which consists to find the best method of sampling to show the distribution of red-backed shrike, and on the impact of climatic changes on Large Copper. Concerning my second work experience, I have learnt a lot about associative world, thanks to the monitoring, the diet study of Montagu’s harrier, and the protection of his broods.

    I’m a serious and a hardworking person, who like learning and is interested in varied sectors. That’s why I share my interest to your establishment because your research project called my attention. If you take into consideration my application, I will have the possibility, later, to make a thesis and perhaps the luck to work in research.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Sincerely yours

    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2012 07:24

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de bluestar, postée le 10-10-2012 à 15:53:34 (S | E)
    Re: Internship application
    Dear Sir, and Madam,

    I’m studying in the second year of master’s degree of XX, and I would like to do a internship in your research center, because your research projects, are topical and perfectly in agreement with the fields that I like, particularly life sciences. The internship can begin between the 7th jJanuary and the 1st m March 2013, for duration of 6 months.

    My university programme is multidisciplinary and many different fields were saw covered during this 5 years of study, giving me great competences in ecology and conservation of biodiversity. I learned microbiology, population genetics, plants, animals, and dynamics of their populations. I gained knowledge in others aspects of biology, like pedology, molecular biology, enzymology, as well as land settlement, and sustainable development. I did two works experiences of 4 months. It allowed me to realize a complete work on different animals’ species. That’s why, I have learnt a lot on about the research world for my first internship, which consists to find in finding the best method of sampling to show the distribution of red Red-backed shrike, and on the impact of climatic changes on the Large Copper. Concerning my second work experience, I have learnt a lot about associative world, thanks to the monitoring, the diet study of Montagu’s harrier, and the protection of his broods.

    I’m a serious and a hardworking person, who likes learning and is interested in varied sectors. That’s why I am share my interested to in your establishment because your research project called drew my attention. If you take into consideration accept my application, I will have the possibility, later, to make write a thesis and perhaps the luck to work in research.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Sincerely yours


    Bonne chance avec votre application!

    Réponse: Lettre motivation/correction de agoradiak, postée le 10-10-2012 à 17:33:02 (S | E)
    pour votre aide!

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