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    Cover Letter/ help

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    Cover Letter/ help
    Message de aurelka posté le 28-11-2012 à 22:11:47 (S | E | F)

    j'aimerais s'il vous plaît voir avec vous s'il y a moyen d'arranger mes 2 lettres de motivation pour partir à l'etranger, s'il y a des erreurs etc.
    Merci d'avance

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    The purpose of my letter to you is to let you know that I would like to apply for the Erasmus program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Indeed, I am a current second year student of Applied Foreign Languages in the University “ X “.

    I have decided to apply for this program because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me a lot in my professional life. Being an exchange student is also a way to learn more about a culture, improve considerably the comprehension and writing in the native language of the country and meet other students from the four corners of the world.

    After having a discussion with the person in charge of the International Relations of the university and attending several presentations about the program, United Kingdom has become one of my top choices and more particularly England. I only when there once when I was younger and I appreciated the british way of life. Knowing that these lands are the roof of the English language, I think this is a great opportunity to become more fluent.

    I’ve already had a first experience abroad as an exchange student through the CIEE program several years ago. That is why I feel mature enough and ready to represent my country abroad.

    I wish to thank you in advance for your consideration.


    Dear Sir or Madam,

    The purpose of my letter to you is to let you know that I would like to apply for the Erasmus program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Indeed, I am a current second year student of Applied Foreign Languages in the University “ X “.

    I have decided to apply for this program because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me a lot in my professional life. Being an exchange student is also a way to learn more about a culture, improve considerably the comprehension and writing in the native language of the country and meet other students from the four corners of the world.
    After having a discussion with the person in charge of the International Relations of the university, she told me that it was uncertain that I could spend my third year in Poland because I do not have any polish classes in my degree.

    However It is one of my top choices because this is the country of my origins. Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity in the past to learn polish and I have never been there. That is why this is a project dear to my heart. I have also talked to Polish students who studies in my university this year and they told me that some of their universities teach all the classes in english.

    I’ve already have a first experience abroad as an exchange student through the CIEE program several years ago. That is why I feel mature enough and ready to represent my country abroad.

    I wish to thank you in advance for your consideration.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2012 22:15

    Réponse: Cover Letter/ help de aurelka, postée le 28-11-2012 à 22:27:29 (S | E)

    il y a aussi ce paragraphe concernant ma deuxième lettre :

    After having a discussion with the person in charge of the International Relations of the university, she told me that it was uncertain that I could spend my third year in Poland because I do not have any polish classes in my degree. However It is one of my top choices because this is the country of my origins. Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity in the past to learn polish and I have never been there. That is why this is a project dear to my heart. I have also talked to Polish students who studies in my university this year and they told me that some of their universities teach all the classes in english.

    En attente de vos réponses,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2012 22:33

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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