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    Correction/ globalization

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Correction/ globalization
    Message de sandeso posté le 14-12-2012 à 17:54:04 (S | E | F)

    J'ai besoin d'aide pour corriger mon devoir. Pour l'instant c'est un brouillon mais j'aimerais déjà voir mes fautes! Je pense qu'il y en a énormément. Je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais... Désolée pour la longueur..
    Merci pour vos réponses !

    The notion of globalization is frequently considerate by politicians, journalists and business leaders in terms of economics or social sciences. Mostly used with abstract connotations - is like a threat, or as an opportunity - it is characterized primarily by a lack of precise definition. Many definitions exist about it. Generally we can distingue it like a system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. But globalization doesn’t limit to an economic point of view, it involves technological, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure. It defines also expansion and articulation of harmonious or confrontational exchanges global trade, interdependence and situations that arise between nations, human activities and political and social systems. It is a multidimensional concept involving diverse domain of activity and it’s a movable concept due to society evolution (new tools for communication (faster, cheaper), new markets, new actors, new rules).
    “A strawberry in a Chicago supermarket in February is likely to have come from Mexico, where it might have been grown with the help of pesticides made in the Rhine Valley of Germany and a tractor made in Japan. The tractor, perhaps constructed with Korean steel cast from iron ingots dug from the territory of tribal peoples in Papua New Guinea, was likely fueled with diesel pumped from the earth in southern Mexico. At harvest time, the strawberry may have been packed in a box made of cardboard from Canadian softwood pulp, wrapped in plastic manufactured in New Jersey, and loaded on a truck made in Italy with German, Japanese, and American parts. The ecological wakes of the . . . strawberry . . . span the globe.” Alan DURNING
    Today, the interesting question is the impact of globalization in the field of culture. Indeed, the field of culture is also subject to commercial transactions: may globalization preserve cultural identity? It is an actual question for intellectual elite based on the protection of cultural identity.
    Globalization era, with her consequences of International Trade liberalization is supposed to give a global dimension, open culture, while removing cultural barriers between states. However, this process requires the establishment of rules which would mean a respect and better protection of copyright, research, artistic creation and innovation.
    That is the whole point of the Uruguay Round negotiations. It is in this perspective that intellectual property is included in these agreements, because it must be normally regarded as a set of rules governing trade and investment in ideas and creativity domains, like property rights with copyright, patents, designs, industrial designs and must be protected with trade. But beyond these exclusive rights enshrined in the World Trade Organization on intellectual property we need to ask existential questions about the culture:
    Can globalization preserve cultural identity? Is Cultural diversity called into question ?
    Globalization must ensure the liberalization of cultural goods by giving them a value and to promote research and creation. But in the current world developments, dominant cultures conquer more space. Such is the case of the Anglo-Saxon culture.
    There are many reasons : First, because the English language has become a dominant language in the world, with its dynamism and the fact that many means are used to extend artistic creation, literature, movies...

    Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2012 21:37

    Réponse: Correction/ globalization de sandeso, postée le 14-12-2012 à 17:54:38 (S | E)
    Some cultures remained minority because they are conveyed by the spoken languages and remained under the influence of tradition, thus depriving benefit from this burst of creativity and enrichment. The approximately 6000 languages that exist in the world do not all have the same number of speakers: only 4 % of the languages are used by 96 % of the world population.
    Other factors play against the promotion of minority cultures. The most noticeable is in the field of literature and artistic productions: the scarcity of houses Editions, production houses, is one of the common barriers that prevent men of letters and artists in their country. The cause of these obstacles is the lack of financial and material resources.
    The direct consequence is that a lot of the new writers and producers have many troubles to become known. The consequence of liberalization is that authors of minority are less known compared to those of Anglo-Saxon countries. And if there are no measures in favor of minority cultures, it will cause a subsequent slow death of these cultures. On the occasion of the Uruguay Round negotiations, developing countries have shown that liberalization is a problem to preserve the identity of some peoples called minority cultures.
    Accordingly, rather than promoting the interpenetration of cultures, the difficult negotiations of the Uruguay Round show that globalization will not benefit called minority cultures, on the contrary, it could cause them to slowly disappear, thus ensuring the supremacy of culture dominant. However, a uniform world on cultural domain is boring. Culture is the field where diversity is a source of research and expression of people.
    Globalization can be prejudicial if it not controlled, framed. In term of diversity cultural, the more cultures there are, the more the desire to discover is present. If there was only one culture, no one would consider going to another. That it is important that union like UNESCO create clause to protect respect of cultural diversity.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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