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    Letter / recommendation

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    Letter / recommendation
    Message de chouaibdz posté le 25-12-2012 à 01:12:18 (S | E | F)
    I find this web site really amazing and useful. xxx One of the students in my school, who wants to participate in a scholarship to an American university, asked me to write for him a letter of recommendation, but English isn't my native language :S
    I'd be so happy and much obliged for your corrections or improving suggestions.
    Thanks a lot.
    Here is what I wrote for him

    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing this letter to give my highest possible recommendation for X who was a student in A high school where I’m the principal. During three years, X has shown exceptional qualities both in academic results and in the social life within the high school and beyond.

    The first time I got the chance to know X, was when he represented our school, three years ago, in a Maths and Physics competition; he made all of us proud of him. After that, his name started to be known among all the teachers, even the ones who don’t teach him, the supervisors and of course the students.

    All the teachers that have taught him witness his seriousness, leadership potential and his sense of responsibility. They confirm that X is always the leader in every aspect and has held the highest position in his class' rating for three consecutive years. I can vouch that he is one of the most brilliant and kind hearted student that I have encountered in my career. He is an energetic, enthusiastic leader in all jobs of his class as well as voluntary activities held by school. X is also very responsible to his work and is able to handle the pressure of deadlines very well. He has an extremely amiable personality and is popular among his classmates as he shows great consideration and deep respect for others. Being honest and hardworking, he demonstrates the best of behaviour and excellent study habits.

    Every one in our high school knows that X participated, in summer 2011, to an American leadership program called the Youth Leadership Program. He honorably represented our high school, our city and all Algeria in the U.S. After he came back he helped his young friends participating in this program, thanks to that we had another student from our high school who was chosen this summer. X is very engaged civically, he is member in so many community associations and he always cares about helping others and sharing his experience with them. With an outstanding intellectual ability and strong leadership qualities, X has led his classes in numerous subjects as well as other extracurricular events successfully.

    On many occasions, he used to help his classmates in various subjects, especially Mathematics.
    X is very keen on using computers; he manipulates it perfectly, when ever we had any problem with our informatics lab, whether in software or hardware, he always used to give us a hand fixing it. In addition to all that, X could find time to practice sport, he’s a dark belt in Judo, and a proficient swimmer.

    In summary, I strongly believe that his perseverance, intellectual ability and enthusiasm for learning and working are qualities that should help him well in his future. He is undoubtedly the type of student that has the potential for great success at the college level. His indefatigable efforts, combined with his work ethic and ability to self-improve, are recipes for success in the years to come. I think he would be an outstanding asset to your program. I give him my highest recommendation.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-12-2012 07:42

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