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    Dialogue /correction

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Dialogue /correction
    Message de lynaewen posté le 12-01-2013 à 16:08:55 (S | E | F)

    je suis en 3ème et pour lundi je dois faire un dialogue avec un ami sur les pour et les contre de la campagne et la ville.
    Je ne suis pas sûre que mon texte soit bon et je dois me rattraper dans mes points..
    Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    P1 : Hello ! What's up ?
    P2 : Hello ! I bought a new house in the countryside.
    P1 : In the countryside ? The city is better !
    P2 : The countryside is much less polluted than that of the city.
    P1 : Maybe.. But the shops, the hospitals and work are more close!
    P2 : In the countryside made vegetables gardens and composts have uses our own products and it is better for our health!
    P1 : And what do you do with your spare time ? In the city there are the cinema, the theatre, the museum..
    P2 : I can have a walk in the forest, to go in for sport outside, of the gardening..
    P1 : It's also quiet in the countryside, you'll get bored.
    P2 : In the countryside the neighbors know and are much closer than in the city, I make new friends.
    P1 : Yes but in the city there are sport center to go run.
    P2 : I prefer the nature ! You can say all that you want, I shall go all the same to the countryside.
    P1 : You are really stubborn! I must go, goodbye.
    P2 : Ok, goodbye.

    Modifié par lynaewen le 12-01-2013 17:29
    Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2013 20:08

    Réponse: Dialogue /correction de notrepere, postée le 12-01-2013 à 19:15:20 (S | E)

    P1 : Hello ! What's up ?
    P2 : Hello ! I bought a new house in the countryside.
    P1 : In the countryside ? The city is better !
    P2 : The countryside is much less polluted than that of the city.
    P1 : Maybe.. But the shops, the hospitals and work are more close!
    P2 : In the countryside [sujet manquant] made vegetables gardens and composts have uses our own products and it is better for our health!
    P1 : And what do you do with your spare time ? In the city there is the cinema, the theatre, the museum.
    P2 : I can have a walk in the forest, to go in for sport outside, of the gardening..
    P1 : It's also quiet in the countryside, you'll get bored.
    P2 : In the countryside the neighbors know [...] and are much closer than in the city, I make(temps) new friends.
    P1 : Yes but in the city there are sport centers to go run.
    P2 : I prefer the nature ! You can say all that you want, I shall go all the same to the countryside.
    P1 : You are really stubborn! I must go, goodbye.
    P2 : Ok, goodbye.

    Modifié par notrepere le 12-01-2013 19:15

    Réponse: Dialogue /correction de lynaewen, postée le 12-01-2013 à 19:42:32 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup de votre réponse, ça m'a beaucoup aidé!
    Est-ce mieux comme ceci ?

    P1 : Hello ! What's up ?
    P2 : Hello ! I bought a new house in the countryside.
    P1 : In the countryside ? The city is better !
    P2 : The countryside is much less polluted than that of the city.
    P1 : Maybe.. But the shops, the hospitals and work are far!
    P2 : In the countryside I can do vegetables gardens and composts, it is better for our health!
    P1 : And what do you do with your spare time ? In the city there are the cinema, the theatre, the museum..
    P2 : I can have a walk in the forest, I go in for sport outside, ..
    P1 : It's also quiet in the countryside, you'll get bored.
    P2 : In the countryside the neighbors are every friends and are much closer than in the city, I did new friends.
    P1 : Yes but in the city there are sport centers.
    P2 : I prefer nature ! You can say all that you want, I shall go all the same to the countryside.
    P1 : You are really stubborn! I must go, goodbye.
    P2 : Ok, goodbye.

    Réponse: Dialogue /correction de bluestar, postée le 12-01-2013 à 23:19:18 (S | E)

    P1 : Hello ! What's up ?
    P2 : Hello ! I bought a new house in the countryside.
    P1 : In the countryside ? The city is better !
    P2 : The countryside is much less polluted. than that of the city.
    P1 : Maybe.. But the shops, the hospitals and work are far clos--!
    P2 : In the countryside I can do ('avoir' serait mieux) vegetables gardens and composts, it is better for our health!
    P1 : And what do you do with your spare time ? In the city there are(singulier) the cinema, the theatre, the museum..
    P2 : I can have a walk in the forest, I can pl-- go in for sport outside, ..
    P1 : It's also quiet in the countryside, you'll get bored.
    P2 : In the countryside the neighbours are every friends and are much closer than in the city, I did (il faut le futur..I will m---) new friends.
    P1 : Yes but in the city there are sport centers.
    P2 : I prefer nature ! You can say all that you want, I shall go all the same to the countryside.
    P1 : You are really stubborn! I must go, goodbye.
    P2 : Ok, goodbye.

    Réponse: Dialogue /correction de lynaewen, postée le 13-01-2013 à 10:54:39 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup j'ai pu tout corriger

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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