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    Préparation /Toefl IBT

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Préparation /Toefl IBT
    Message de belively posté le 16-01-2013 à 15:50:43 (S | E | F)

    En vue de ma préparation au Toefl Ibt, je souhaiterais avoir des indications, corrections quant à ma première rédaction.
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Here is the subject :People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    Education is a part important of our life, that’s why many students choose to attend in college or university.

    First and foremost, going to university and college it is a part of growing up, especially when it comes to university. College is a way in to university. As a matter of fact, student saw it as the beginning of the rest of their life. Indeed, the entrance to university match with ( / fit with) the passage to majority. We become independant, and responsible of ourselves.

    On the top of that we meet new people from different origine (if we quit our native country), learn new languages, make new experiences. We make plans for the future. For instance after my first year, I decide to apply for an humanitarian mission in Thaïland. It was an outstanding experience that make me realize what I real want to do.

    Thirdly, the main purpose of universities is to prepare us for a career : a teacher, a doctor, a scientist. In college we all study some disciplines that we can not stand, but we have to, in order to succed on the sit baccalaureat exam. That is the main difference between college and university : we choose what we want to study. I do not know what universty looks like in the united states or in England, but in France, the first year is quite difficult. We learn to think fast, but above all we learn all the conerstone as in medical school. So, before to prepare for a career we increase our knowledge. According to a survey that a read a few months ago, most of people choose to attend in university and in college in order to prepare for a career.

    By way of conclusion, college and universities on top of beeing a place of teaching , there are an human experience.

    Au fait, quel est le nombre de mots minimum et maximum pour l'expression écrite au toefl.
    Thank you for your time.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 16-01-2013 17:39
    + corrections des fautes repérées par gerondif (thx!)

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de gerondif, postée le 16-01-2013 à 19:54:29 (S | E)
    avez vous repére que "college" en anglais représente des études courtes post bac, type iut "university" représentant des études plus longues, rien à voir avec le collège français 6ème 3ème...(secondary school, high school)

    Here is the subject :People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend * college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    Education is a part important (word order!)of our life, that’s why many students choose to attend in college or university.

    First and foremost, going to university and college it is a part of growing up, especially when it comes to university. College is a way in to university. As a matter of fact, student(article? pourquoi au singulier?) saw (pourquoi au prétérit?)it as the beginning of the rest of their life(pluriel si students passe au pluriel). Indeed, the entrance to university match(3ème personne donc S) with ( / fit with) the passage to majority. We become independant, and responsible of ourselves.

    On the top of that we meet new people from different origine (if we quit(j'espère que vous ne travaillez pas au traducteur automatique!) our native country), learn new languages, make new experiences. We make plans for the future. For instance after my first year, I decide(prétérit) to apply for an humanitarian mission in Thaïland. It was an outstanding experience that make(prétérit) me realize what I really want (prétérit) to do.

    Thirdly, the main purpose of universities is to prepare us for a career: (maladroit) a teacher, a doctor, a scientist. In college(n'est pas le collège) we all study some disciplines that we cannot stand, but we have to, in order to succed on the sit (mal construit)baccalaureat exam. That is the main difference between college and university : we choose what we want to study. I do not know what universty looks like in the united states (majuscules!!)or in England, but in France, the first year is quite difficult. We learn to think fast, but above all we learn all the cornerstones as in medical school. So, before to(before + ing) prepare for a career we increase our knowledge. According to a survey that a(I) read a few months ago, most of people choose to attend in university and in college in order to prepare for a career.

    By way of conclusion, college and universities on top of beeing a place of teaching , there are an human experience.

    Au fait, quel est le nombre de mots minimun et maximun pour l'expression écrite au toefl.
    (Pensez aussi en terme de qualité pas de quantité)Thanks you for your time.

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de notrepere, postée le 16-01-2013 à 20:11:03 (S | E)

    Je vous signalerai les fautes. A vous de découvrir la raison pourquoi.

    Education is a part important of our life, that’s why many students choose to attend in college or university.

    First and foremost, going to university and college it is a part of growing up, especially when it comes to university. College is a way in to university. As a matter of fact, student saw it as the beginning of the rest of their life. Indeed, the entrance to university match with ( / fit with) the passage to majority. We become independant, and responsible of ourselves.

    On the top of that we meet new people from different origine (if we quit our native country), learn new languages, make new experiences. We make plans for the future. For instance after my first year, I decide to apply for an humanitarian mission in Thaïland. It was an outstanding experience that make me realize what I real want to do.

    Thirdly, the main purpose of universities is to prepare us for a career : a teacher, a doctor, a scientist. In college we all study some disciplines that we can not stand, but we have to, in order to succed on the sit baccalaureat exam. That is the main difference between college and university : we choose what we want to study. I do not know what universty looks like in the united states or in England, but in France, the first year is quite difficult. We learn to think fast, but above all we learn all the conerstone as in medical school. So, before to prepare for a career we increase our knowledge. According to a survey that a read a few months ago, most of people choose to attend in university and in college in order to prepare for a career.

    By way of conclusion, college and universities on top of beeing a place of teaching , there are an human experience.

    Modifié par notrepere le 16-01-2013 20:12
    Oops, I hadn't seen that Mr. G had already replied

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de gerondif, postée le 16-01-2013 à 20:14:33 (S | E)
    Yes, but in that case, too many cooks don't spoil the broth............

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de ariette, postée le 16-01-2013 à 21:57:04 (S | E)

    Ne faites-vous pas un contre sens ? College is higher education (university), after high school (lycée)

    L’épreuve d’expression écrite au TOEFL est divisée en deux sections bien distinctes, pour une durée totale de 50 minutes. Durant toute l’épreuve, un chronomètre se trouve en haut à droite de l’écran afin de vous informer du temps restant.

    La première sous-épreuve consiste dans la rédaction d’un résumé de 150 à 250 mots sur un sujet donné. Vous devrez au préalable lire un texte écrit d’une page, ainsi qu’écouter un enregistrement audio de 2 minutes environ. Ces deux documents aborderont le même sujet, souvent avec des points de vue différents ou dans des conditions différentes. Il est donc recommandé voire nécessaire de prendre en compte ces deux points de vue dans la rédaction du résumé.

    La seconde sous-épreuve consiste dans la rédaction de votre opinion personnelle sur une problématique donnée. Une question vous sera posée, à vous d’organiser vos idées et de rédiger une réponse cohérente et argumentée. Si les idées que vous promouvez dans votre rédaction ne sont pas prises en compte dans l’évaluation, évitez les aberrations ou les points de vue trop extrêmes qui pourraient vous pénaliser !

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de belively, postée le 23-01-2013 à 08:36:25 (S | E)

    Avant tout, merci pour vos réponses.
    Oui, j'ai fait un contresens je ne sais pas d'où est-ce que j'ai sorti ça !
    Merci pour la correction à gerondif, lucile83, notrepere et merci à ariette pour les indications sur l'épreuve.

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de belively, postée le 23-01-2013 à 08:45:01 (S | E)
    En ce qui concerne l'expression " passage to majority" je ne l'ai pas trouvé dans le dictionnaire, vous l'auriez dit comment vous ?
    Le mieux c'est d'utiliser fit in or match with avec ma phrase ?

    Non, non je vous rassure, je n'utilise pas de traducteur juste un dictionnaire en ligne wordreference et un dictionnaire robert.

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de gerondif, postée le 23-01-2013 à 09:40:21 (S | E)
    un double click sur "age" donne:

    come of age v (reach legal or social adulthood ) devenir majeur vi
    Many cultures have a ritual to celebrate a youth's coming of age.
    Quand elle est devenue majeure, Cindy est partie de chez elle.
    atteindre la majorité

    coming of age n (reaching maturity) majorité nf

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de belively, postée le 24-01-2013 à 10:36:57 (S | E)
    Merci gerondif

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de belively, postée le 24-01-2013 à 10:44:31 (S | E)
    Du coup, est-ce que la phrase donne ça :
    Indeed, the entrance to university fit with come of age.
    C'est bizarre comme tournure de phrase, non ?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2013 11:16

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de gerondif, postée le 24-01-2013 à 18:43:05 (S | E)
    il faut envelopper un peu cela:
    His going to university usually corresponds to his coming of age, // to his turning up into an adult//to his becoming a man /to her becoming a woman.

    When somebody goes to university, he usually grows older and wiser......

    Réponse: Préparation /Toefl IBT de belively, postée le 28-01-2013 à 21:12:36 (S | E)
    So, you suggest to not write it because it is an innuendo ?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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