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    Getting ready/ English test

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    Getting ready/ English test
    Message de majicb75 posté le 21-01-2013 à 00:35:11 (S | E | F)

    Here’s a dissertation for my English test. Tell me please what you think of my spelling.
    Thank you for your help.

    Do you think that police officers should carry guns with them?

    Police officers carry guns with them for many reasons. We’re going to examine the pros and the cons and give our personal opinion on the matter.

    The pros are that in order to maintain peace and control, we need police officers. But in order for them to be taken seriously, they need to carry a badge and a gun. Nowadays, criminals can get weapons anywhere and they can be use against civilians and police officers. In order to assume their safety, police officers need a way to protect themselves. This is why carrying a gun is a necessity. We need to feel that we are protected and for that, police officers have to have their own guns. It’s a matter of safety. In our society, carrying a gun is a sign of power. We fear and respect police officers because their represent the authority. And when you’re armed, you get fear and respect .
    If we look at the cons, the more police officers get armed, the more the criminals think that they have to. The consequence of that is that many weapons enter the country illegally and can be founded anywhere. We can see that now, getting a gun is, in some part of the world, as easy as getting a toothbrush. Owning a gun is a serious responsibility and shouldn’t be taken lightly. And with a gun, there’s always a risk that an innocent person gets hurt. We witness many incidents involving police officers who didn’t use their guns properly and got someone injured. In some cases, the police officer injured himself because he wasn’t handling his gun properly.

    In my own opinion, I think that the fact that police officers carry guns is useful but not a necessity. I am aware that we live in an dangerous world but I think that in order to promote a peaceful nation, we should think of other alternatives to guns. When I see a police officer with his gun pointed at someone, I always think that there must be another way to resolve the issue. I think that we could live in a world where guns are not necessary.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2013 07:17

    Réponse: Getting ready/ English test de notrepere, postée le 21-01-2013 à 04:08:59 (S | E)

    The pros are that in order to maintain peace and control, we need police officers. But in order for them to be taken seriously, they need to carry a badge and a gun. Nowadays, criminals can get weapons anywhere and they can be used against civilians and police officers. In order to assume (autre mot) their safety, police officers need a way to protect themselves. This is why carrying a gun is a necessity. We need to feel that we are protected and for that, police officers have to have their own guns. It’s a matter of safety. In our society, carrying a gun is a sign of power. We fear and respect police officers because their represent the authority. And when you’re armed, you get fear and respect .
    If we look at the cons, the more police officers get armed, the more the criminals think that they have to. The consequence of that is that many weapons enter the country illegally and can be founded everywhere. We can see that now, getting a gun is, in some part of the world, as easy as getting a toothbrush. Owning a gun is a serious responsibility and shouldn’t be taken lightly. And with a gun, there’s always a risk that an innocent person gets hurt. We witness many incidents involving police officers who didn’t use their guns properly and got someone injured. In some cases, the police officer injured himself because he wasn’t handling his gun properly.

    In my own opinion, I think that the fact that police officers carry guns is useful but not a necessity. I am aware that we live in an dangerous world but I think that in order to promote a peaceful nation, we should think of other alternatives to guns. When I see a police officer with his gun pointed at someone, I always think that there must be another way to resolve the issue. I think that we could live in a world where guns are not necessary.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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