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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Message de kourai posté le 28-01-2013 à 07:39:35 (S | E | F)
    Good morning,

    could you please tell me the possibilities for the translation of déjà dans cette phrase:
    "sois raisonnable, tu as déjà assez mangé"
    I know you can say: be reasonable (sensitive) you've already eaten enough!
    But can you also say: be reasonable (sensitive) you've yet eaten enough?
    I think, it is not possible, because (as I learnt) "yet" expresses an event yet to come, but I'm not sure.
    Thank you very much!

    Edited by lucile83 on 28-01-2013 08:17

    Réponse: Yet/emploi de andrewl, postée le 28-01-2013 à 14:20:17 (S | E)
    Just as you have surmised, there is not really a way to fit the word "yet" into this sentence.
    The most common ways to express "tu as déjà assez mangé" would be "you've already eaten enough" or "you've eaten enough already."

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-01-2013 14:21

    Réponse: Yet/emploi de gerondif, postée le 28-01-2013 à 18:03:32 (S | E)

    watch out, "sensitive" means "easily moved emotionally" (you may also have sensitive gums) whereas "sensible" means "reasonable , able to think wisely before acting".

    Do be /reasonable/sensible ! You've had enough to eat already.

    Yet could fit in if you said:
    Do be /reasonable/sensible ! Haven't you had enough to eat yet ?

    Réponse: Yet/emploi de kourai, postée le 29-01-2013 à 08:34:56 (S | E)
    Good morning, thank you for your help! it's much clearer to me now!
    Concerning the difference between "sensitive" and "sensible", actually, I know it, but it seems I still don't know it good enough and I mixed it up again...
    Another question: I'm not yet used to the functioning of this forum. I was looking for answers yesterday evening and didn't find them, nowhere. I felt quite disappointed. Then I saw the "avant de poster, merci de vous assurer..." and I put in "yet" and found your answers... But I guess there exists a shorter way...?

    Réponse: Yet/emploi de kourai, postée le 29-01-2013 à 08:41:58 (S | E)
    I've just found the answer to my last question... Stupid me, I hadn't confirmed my e mail address... But then, why doesn't appear my question about yet on the table with all the different subjects?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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