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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de anas326 posté le 31-01-2013 à 22:43:19 (S | E | F)
    Could you help me please and correct my mail?
    Thank you for your answers.

    To the attention of ***

    My name xxxx xxxx xxxx and I live in Spain, where i study a degree in (Senior Technician in forestry management and environment ).(Technicien superieur en gestion forrestiere et du milieu ambiant)
    I'd like to know if you could convalidate my diploma to continue my studies in your university, in the forest engineering section.(je voudrais aussi demander 'quel sont les 'requirements' qu'ils demandent..mais je ne sais pas trop comment l'inserer ..)
    If you need more information please don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail
    Thanks for your attention
    Kind regards,

    Materials of the degree
    First year
    Agronomic Botany.
    Agrarian topography (???)
    Machinery and plant agroforestry.
    Environmental education techniques.
    Management of forest harvesting.
    Management and organization of the tree nursery.

    Second year
    Hunting management.
    Inland Fisheries Management.
    Management mountains.
    Management of environmental conservation.
    Defence against forest fires
    Project of management and conservation of the forest
    Training and career guidance.
    Enterprise and entrepreneurship.
    Training on work place

    Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2013 23:06

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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