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    Cover Letter/aide

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    Cover Letter/aide
    Message de lynskyn posté le 03-04-2013 à 19:04:03 (S | E | F)

    En vue de postuler à l'étranger (USA) je prépare la cover letter et mon cv.
    Pourriez-vous y jeter un coup d'oeil et me dire ce que vous en pensez (erreurs, etc...)

    I am a third year student enrolled in an industrial engineering course in the National School of Engineers of xxx. I am writing to explore the possibility of participating in a training program in your company. As a French student, I am required by my University to complete a practical training in a company. My training must start in September and last at least five months. This internship will be an opportunity for me to acquire an additional training in an industrial place and to join a professional team work. Moreover, an internship abroad would allow me to experience another culture and improve my level of the English language.
    My schooling allows me to take on the mechanic in the early years, which gave me knowledge in the areas of design, methods and production. My attraction to these areas led me to choose mechanical engineering as a specialty for the rest of my studies. I turn to you because I am convinced that your company can help me consolidate my knowledge joining an area that I would be pleased to discover and integrating a company of international renown. 
    Please find enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae, which gives further details of my education. Should you require any further information regarding my application, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    I would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
    Yours faithfully.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2013 21:21

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