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    Aide oral/Gym tonic

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Aide oral/Gym tonic
    Message de sarahdu26 posté le 25-05-2013 à 12:46:04 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    je vais passer un oral d'anglais d'une durée d'environ 10 minutes.
    Je dois parler de ma passion.
    J'ai écrit ce que je compte plus ou moins dire.
    Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, m'apporter votre aide en ce qui concerne d'éventuelles corrections de fautes d'accord ou de concordance etc...
    Merci beaucoup

    The chosen theme is my passion beucause I practise of the tonic gym it is a sport which allows me to practise movements of physical education in rhythm on unbridled music.
    They are sessions of global muscular strengthening of a duration of one hour where I returns me three times a week in a club outside the high school to Pierrelatte. The heating is made by means of simple and varied choreographies, in the sound of a lively music.
    What pleases me in this sport it is that the purpose is to avoid making the same session every week what so arouses my interest, so as to favor a regular practice.
    After the heating I pass in the muscular work : at first standing, by using according to the secondary different sessions (barbells, Elastic, balloon).
    The objective, even there is to avoid the dullness; then on the soil, to strengthen the gluteal abs.
    At the end, each of my muscles used is carefully stretched to limit the aches. The music serves as teaching aid, in adequacy with the proposed exercises.
    Besides the muscular strengthening essential to the health of the back, the tonic gym improves my flexibility, my driving skill, my balance and my cardiovascular endurance.
    I like this sport, because I find that it is a complete sport, because he allows me to work the top of my body, the bottom of my body, my abs, my glutei and that allows me to let off steam by having fun on the music.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2013 12:54

    Réponse: Aide oral/Gym tonic de delf2312, postée le 26-05-2013 à 15:14:24 (S | E)
    The chosen theme (the theme I chose) is my passion beucause I practise of the tonic gym (jamais the devant les noms de sport !) it is a sport which allows me to practise movements of physical education in rhythm on unbridled (il me semble que unbridled a une connotation un peu négative: qu'avez vous voulu dire ?) music.
    They are sessions of global muscular strengthening of a duration of one hour [where I returns me three times a week]je ne comprend pas ce morceau: traducteur en ligne ?in a club outside the high school to Pierrelatte. The heating (le chauffage ou l'échauffement: échauffement = the warm-up) is made by means of simple and varied choreographies, inon the sound of a lively music.
    What pleases (what I like in this sport est plus simple et plus naturel à l'oral) me in this sport it is that the purpose is to avoid making the same session [every week what so arouses my interest, so as to favor a regular practice.] ce morceau de phrase aussi est confus. ]
    After the heating I pass into the muscular work : at first standing, by using [according to the secondary different sessions][bleu] on dirait encore du google trad
    (barbells, Elastic, balloon).
    The objective, even there is to avoid the dullness (pas the non plus devant les notions telles que joie, tristesse, economie, société etc...); then on the soil (soil = terre qu'on cultive, je pense que vous vouliez dire floor), to strengthen the gluteal abs.
    At the end, each of my muscles used is carefully stretched to limit the aches. The music serves as teaching aid, in adequacy with the proposed exercises.
    Besides the muscular strengthening essential to the health of the back, the tonic gym improves my flexibility, my driving skill, my balance and my cardiovascular endurance.
    I like this sport, because I find that it is a complete sport, because he it allows me to work the top of my body, the bottom of my body, my abs, my glutei and that allows me to [let off steam] (évacuer la pression ? c'est ce genre d'expression qu'on ne peut pas vraiment traduire mot à mot anglais >> essayer de trouver un autre mot !) by having fun on the music.

    Il semble que vous ayez fait appel à un traducteur en ligne pour certaines phrases ou alors que vous avez vraiment traduit mot à mot. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il faut faire ! Essayez de faire vos phrases à vous car vous les retiendrez mieux.
    Autre conseil: faites des phrases courtes qui seront plus faciles à retenir et qui contiendront moins de fautes que des phrases très longues.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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