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    Correction/ oral Bac

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Correction/ oral Bac
    Message de spanglish posté le 27-05-2013 à 19:18:33 (S | E | F)

    je m'adresse à vous, chers anglophones émérites, pour vous demander, si vous en avez le temps et l'amabilité, de me corriger cet oral sur 3 thèmes qui peuvent tomber en anglais. Un grand !

    **--Thème 1--**
    Notion of myths and heroes.
    To introduce, I am going to define the terms of this notion. What is a myth ? A myth is a story where are presented the characters such as gods, or hero, who have values and purpose. And what is a hero ? A hero is a person who has (or not) existed, and who is admirated for his achevements, qualities, courage, ect...
    Firstly, I am going to present you a mythical person : Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th presient of the USA and he lived in the 19th century. Lincoln was against slavery and conduced the American civil war. This war opposed the Northern states, which were against slavery, and the Southern states, wich were for it. The North won, and slavery was abolished in 1863. Lincoln, who is considered a symbol of democracy, was assassinated in 1865. His face was carved on Mount Rushmore (in Dakota) with three other U.S. president who played a major role in democracy (Jefferson, Washington, Roosvelt).
    Secondly, I am going to speak to you about a hero : MLK. He is a black American clergyman and civil rigts leader in the 20th century. It was against the segregation and boycotted buses where blacks were not allowed in Atlanta. He is known for his famous speech "I have a dream." For all its activities, in 1964 he received the Nobel Prize for Peace. This is someone very admired, and that is why we can say that he is a hero.
    To conclude, it seems important to say that there are other myths and heroes, and I think it is good to know a little about these characters that have changed the population in the right direction.

    **--Thème 2--**
    Notion of spaces and exchanges.
    To introduce, I am going to define this notion. An exchange is a general movement. There are several types of exchange : people, trade, media, etc...
    Firstly, I am going to speak to you about, I will tell you about the border trade between the united states and mexico. This border in the South of the United States is presented with a wall, and also with The Rio Grande and oceans on both sides. It is difficult for Mexicans who want to live the American dream, to be able to cross the border. And those who manage to cross, realize that the American dream is not what they thought... (ssooaut)
    Secondly, I am going to speak to you about the Pilgrims Fathers. They were English Puritans who left Plymouth in England, after being persecuted for their religious beliefs. A group of one hundred Puritans left Plymounth in September of 1620 on board called : The Mayflower. They arrived in Massachussetts on December 1620, and founded the Colony of Plymouths. Their first winter was very harsh. The Pilgrim Fathers survived thanks to the Indians. Plymouth Rock is the traditional site of disembarkation of the Mayflower Pilgrims who founded Plymouth Colony. It was become a world famous symbol of the courage of these men and women. This notion corresponds well to the notion of space and exchanges, and also a little closer to the notion of myth and heroes.
    To conclude, it seems important to say that there are other types of exchanges in the world; for example, the export of goods. Medias are also a medium of exchange. This notion is very large !

    **--Thème 3--**
    I am going to speak to you about the notion of the idea of progress.
    To introduce, I am going to define this notion. The progress is the progressive development of humankind through many things. Indeed, there are several types of progress : technical, scientific or social. Everyone is concerned with the progress, like it or not. What are the advantages and drawbacks ?
    Firstly, I am going to speak to you about the advantages of the progress. Many ideas of progress are beneficial to humans. I can give the example of Edison, a great inventor who created the light bulb. Or Henry Ford, who started for the first time a car accessible to the general public. On the scientific side, many discoveries have also been found (in the area of ​​drugs, for example). Newton, who discovered the principle of universal gravitation. The technological side, I can give the example of Steve Jobs, the first man to have created the smartphone that everyone knows today. All these people and their ideas helped to advance society. But we may ask: what are the disadvantages?
    Well, secondly, we will see the drawbacks of progress. In the case of Henry Ford, for example, the line work that was introduced at a disadvantage (because it is repetitive, and therefore painful). We also saw with the case of Anita Roddick, the creator of "the body shop" that some cosmetic companies testing their products on animals. Ms. Roddick was against it !
    To conclude, I would say that even if there are drawbacks to progress, the benefits are still the majority, and happily !

    Merci encore :D !!!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2013 19:21

    Réponse: Correction/ oral Bac de hushpuppy, postée le 30-05-2013 à 04:41:40 (S | E)
    Voilà, theme 1. Il y a des corrections en bleu et des conseils en vert :

    **--Thème 1--**
    The notion of myths and heroes.
    To introduce this theme, I am going to define the terms of this notion. What is a myth ? A myth is a story where the characters are presented, such as gods, or hero(pluriel), who have values and purpose. And what is a hero ? A hero is a person who has (or has not) existed, and who is admirated(orthographe) for his achevements(orthographe), qualities, courage, ect(orthographe)...
    Firstly, I am going to present you with a mythical(autre mot) person : Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th presient(orthographe) of the USA and he lived in the 19th century. Lincoln was against slavery and conduced(autre mot) the American civil war. This war involved the opposition of the Northern states, which were against slavery, to the Southern states, wich(orthographe) were for it. The North won, and slavery was abolished in 1863. Lincoln, who is considered a symbol of democracy, was assassinated in 1865. His face was carved on Mount Rushmore (in Dakota) with three other U.S. president who played a major role in democracy (Jefferson, Washington, Roosvelt).
    Secondly, I am going to speak to you about a hero : MLK. He is(passé) a black(autre mot) American clergyman and civil rigts(orthographe) leader in the 20th century. It was against the segregation and boycotted buses where blacks(autre mots) were not allowed in Atlanta. He is known for his famous dream, recalled in his speech "I have a dream." For all its activities, in 1964 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. This is someone very admired, and that is why we can say that he is a hero.
    To conclude, it seems important to say that there are other myths and heroes, and I think it is good to know a little about these characters that have changed the population in the right direction.

    Réponse: Correction/ oral Bac de hushpuppy, postée le 30-05-2013 à 18:37:37 (S | E)

    **--Thème 2--**
    The notion of spaces and exchanges.
    To introduce this notion, I am going to define it. An exchange is a general movement. There are several types of exchange(pluriel) : people, trade, media, etc...
    Firstly, I am going to speak to you about ... , I will tell you about the border exchange between the united states and mexico(majuscules). This border in the South of the United States is represented by a wall, and also by The Rio Grande and oceans on both sides. It is difficult for Mexicans, who want to live the American dream, to be able to cross the border. And those, who manage to cross, realize that the American dream is not what they thought... (ssooaut)
    Secondly, I am going to speak to you about the Pilgrims' Fathers. They were English Puritans who left Plymouth in England, after being persecuted for their religious beliefs. A group of one hundred Puritans left Plymounth in September of 1620 on board(quelle chose ?) called : The Mayflower. They arrived in Massachussetts on December 1620, and founded the Colony of Plymouths. Their first winter was very harsh. The Pilgrim Fathers survived thanks to the Indians. Plymouth Rock is the traditional site of (article) disembarkment of the Mayflower Pilgrims who founded (article) Plymouth Colony. It was become(seulement "become" au passé) a world famous symbol of the courage of these men and women. This notion corresponds well to the notion of space and exchanges, and is also a little closer to the notion of myth and heroes.
    To conclude, it seems important to say that there are other types of exchanges in the world; for example, the export of goods. Medias(toujours singulier) are(3ème personne singulier en effet) also a medium of exchange. This notion is very large !

    Réponse: Correction/ oral Bac de hushpuppy, postée le 30-05-2013 à 18:45:16 (S | E)

    **--Thème 3--**
    I am going to speak to you about the notion of progress.
    To introduce this notion, I am going to define it. Progress is the continuous(n'utilise pas le mot dans la définition) development of humankind through many things. Indeed, there are several types of progress : technical, scientific or social. Everyone is concerned with the progress, like it or not. What are the advantages and drawbacks ?
    Firstly, I am going to speak to you about the advantages of the progress. Many ideas of progress are beneficial to humans. I can give the example of Edison, a great inventor who created the lightbulb. Or Henry Ford, who created, for the first time, a car accessible to the general public. On the scientific side, many discoveries have also been found (in the area of ​​medicine, for example). Newton, who discovered the principle of universal gravitation. The technological side, I can give the example of Steve Jobs, the first man to have created the smartphone that everyone knows today. All these people and their ideas helped to advance society. But we may ask: what are the disadvantages?
    Well, secondly, we will see the drawbacks of progress. In the case of Henry Ford, for example, the line work that was introduced has a disadvantage, because it is repetitive, and therefore painful. We also saw with the case of Anita Roddick, the creator of "the body shop" that some cosmetic companies use for testing their products on animals. Ms. Roddick was against it !
    To conclude, I would say that even if there are drawbacks to progress, the benefits are still the majority, and happily !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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