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    The missing vowels /26

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    The missing vowels /26
    Message de marit64 posté le 29-05-2013 à 23:38:08 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Since I'm a generous person, I will give you 1 number with vowels out of 10.

    1- A person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc. ..... (gsdcrt)
    2- Strength and energy. ..... (grv)
    3- An indication as to how something should be done. ..... (ldng)
    4- A group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc whose bodies are covered with a hard shell. ..... (trnccs)
    5- A courageous, brave or heroic person. ..... (ltvn)
    6- A rough sketch or outline of something especially written. ..... (frtd)
    7- A school for very young children. ..... (dtgknnrr)
    8- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (psprk)
    9- The period of time between one's thirtieth and fortieth birthdays. ..... (hsttr)
    10- To cut sharply, especially with a single quick action, with scissors. ..... (nps) 1

    Good luck and have fun!

    I wish you plenty of

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels /26 de flowermusic, postée le 30-05-2013 à 00:34:21 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Thank you generous person
    1- A person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc. ..... (gsdcrt) coastguard
    2- Strength and energy. ..... (grv) vigor or vigour
    3- An indication as to how something should be done. ..... (ldng) guideline
    4- A group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc whose bodies are covered with a hard shell. ..... (trnccs) crustacean
    5- A courageous, brave or heroic person. ..... (ltvn) valiant
    6- A rough sketch or outline of something especially written. ..... (frtd) draft
    7- A school for very young children. ..... (dtgknnrr) kindergarten
    8- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (psprk) skipper
    9- The period of time between one's thirtieth and fortieth birthdays. ..... (hsttr) thirties
    10- To cut sharply, especially with a single quick action, with scissors. ..... (nps) snip 1

    Have a nice week

    Réponse: The missing vowels /26 de esperanto, postée le 30-05-2013 à 01:07:58 (S | E)
    Hello marit, Mes réponses sont les suivantes: 1) coastguard - 2) vigour - 3) ? - 4) crustacean - 5) valiant - 6) draft - 7) kindergarten - 8) skipper - 9) thirties - 10) ?

    Comme vous le constatez, j'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre. Je vais encore réfléchir sur les définitions 3 et 10. Merci infiniment pour votre travail et votre aide. A bientôt, esperanto.

    Réponse: The missing vowels /26 de dolfine56, postée le 30-05-2013 à 09:12:01 (S | E)
    Hello, dear marit,
    Here we are....

    1- A person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc. ..... (gsdcrt) coastguard
    2- Strength and energy. ..... (grv) --vigor
    3- An indication as to how something should be done. ..... (ldng)--guideline
    4- A group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc whose bodies are covered with a hard shell. ..... (trnccs)--crustacean
    5- A courageous, brave or heroic person. ..... (ltvn)--valiant
    6- A rough sketch or outline of something especially written. ..... (frtd)--draft
    7- A school for very young children. ..... (dtgknnrr)--kindergarten
    8- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... (psprk)--skipper
    9- The period of time between one's thirtieth and fortieth birthdays. ..... (hsttr)--thirties
    10- To cut sharply, especially with a single quick action, with scissors. ..... (nps)--snip

    Thanks a lot, dear marit,
    Enjoy that week.

    Réponse: The missing vowels /26 de headway, postée le 30-05-2013 à 16:51:50 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- A person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc. ..... Coastguard.
    2- Strength and energy. ..... Vigour.
    3- An indication as to how something should be done. ..... Guideline.
    4- A group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc whose bodies are covered with a hard shell. ..... Crustacean.
    5- A courageous, brave or heroic person. ..... Valiant.
    6- A rough sketch or outline of something especially written. ..... Draft.
    7- A school for very young children. ..... Kindergarten.
    8- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team. ..... Skipper.
    9- The period of time between one's thirtieth and fortieth birthdays. ..... Thirties.
    10- To cut sharply, especially with a single quick action, with scissors. ..... Snip.

    Thank you Marit


    Réponse: The missing vowels /26 de sanna6, postée le 31-05-2013 à 14:04:55 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- A person or group of people, employed to watch the coast for smugglers, ships in distress etc...coastguard
    2- Strength and energy...vigor
    3- An indication as to how something should be done... guideline
    4- A group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc whose bodies are covered with a hard shell... crustacean
    5- A courageous, brave or heroic person...valiant
    6- A rough sketch or outline of something especially written... draft
    7- A school for very young children...kindergarten
    8- The captain of a ship, aeroplane or team... skipper
    9- The period of time between one's thirtieth and fortieth birthdays...thirties
    10- To cut sharply, especially with a single quick action, with scissors... snap

    Thank you very much and may you have a nice weekend with a lot of sun

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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