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    Motivation/droit notarial

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    Motivation/droit notarial
    Message de clemence13 posté le 04-06-2013 à 17:36:54 (S | E | F)

    Je postule actuellement pour un master 2 en droit notarial. Il m'est demandé de rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais. Ainsi, j'aurais souhaité avoir votre avis concernant ma lettre. Je n'ai pas un très bon niveau d'anglais.
    Voici la lettre :

    Object : Application in the notarial law’s master degree

    Dear Madam,

    At present in the 1th year of Master degree at XXX University, I allow me to send you my application in the 2nd year of notarial law’s master degree, which the same University proposes under your responsability.

    After my License in private law, I chose to continue my studies in the private law and judicial career master degree. During my studies, I have had the opportunity to deepen my knowledges in law property and law family. I also have had the opportunity to realize a professional project concerning the notarial profession. At this occasion, I was able to meet diverse professionals. Of this experience was born my motivation to continue in this way.

    Particularly interested in law successions, matrimonial systems and private international law, this master degree of XXX University would be an essential complement in my training. Indeed, the proposed teachings relative to the property law, the family law and the construction law, but also those concerning the professional business ethics, join perfectly the continuity of my professional project. My objective for the futur being to obtain the DSN. Moreover, the training is centred on the notarial law’s European and international dimension. This interests me particularly, considering the current evolution of the notary’s practice and the importance of the private international law on the subject. On the other hand, the internship would allow me to acquire a work experience as well as a new vision of the subject, as a part of this one is made abroad.

    Serious and motivated, I’m ready to involve me completely in my Master’s degree’s success.

    Hoping that my application will catch all your attention, please accept, Madam, my most respectful greetings.

    Je vous remercie par avance!!!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-06-2013 18:12

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