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    The missing vowels/27

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    The missing vowels/27
    Message de marit64 posté le 06-06-2013 à 00:32:33 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is given in 2 out of 10 answers.

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. ..... (f)
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. ..... (ptdr) 2
    3- Talking a lot. ..... (kvtlt)
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. ..... (ppgssrrh)
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. ..... (prmts)
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (llwsc) 3
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. ..... (pwlrpl)
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... (hymcn)
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. ..... (mkhncp)
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (cbnh)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice week!

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de mamou3, postée le 06-06-2013 à 09:15:40 (S | E)
    Voici ma proposition :
    1. Fee
    2. Tripod
    10. Bunch
    Have a nice day everybody

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de headway, postée le 06-06-2013 à 09:27:32 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. ..... Fee.
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. ..... Tripod.
    3- Talking a lot. ..... Talkative.
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. .....Grasshopper.
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. ..... Imposter.
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... Coleslow.
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. ..... Wallpaper.
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... Chimney.
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. .....Chipmunck.
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... Bunch.

    Have a great week Marit.


    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de dolfine56, postée le 06-06-2013 à 09:54:51 (S | E)
    Hello, dear Marit,here we are....

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. ..... (f)--fee
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. ..... (ptdr) 2--tripod
    3- Talking a lot. ..... (kvtlt) --talkative
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. ..... (ppgssrrh)--grasshopper
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. ..... (prmts)--imposter
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (llwsc) 3--coleslow
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. ..... (pwlrpl)--wallpaper
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... (hymcn)--chimney
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. ..... (mkhncp)--chipmunck
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (cbnh)--bunch

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit
    Enjoy that week..

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de swan85, postée le 06-06-2013 à 19:38:38 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. Fee (f)
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. Tripod (ptdr) 2
    3- Talking a lot. Talkative (kvtlt)
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. Grasshopper (ppgssrrh)
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. Imposter (prmts)
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. Coleslaw (llwsc) 3
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. Wallpaper (pwlrpl)
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. Chimney (hymcn)
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. Chipmunk (mkhncp)
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. Bunch (cbnh)

    Thank you very much again
    See you soon

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de sanna6, postée le 06-06-2013 à 20:27:29 (S | E)
    Bonjour Marit

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right...fee
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera...tripod
    3- Talking a lot...talkative
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings... grasshopper
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person...impostor
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage... coleslow
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc...wallpaper
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace... chimney
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back...chipmunk
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together...bunch

    Thank you Marit

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de flowermusic, postée le 06-06-2013 à 23:13:42 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Thank you for the new one. That's my try.

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. ..... (f) fee
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. ..... (ptdr) 2 tripod
    3- Talking a lot. ..... (kvtlt) talkative
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. ..... (ppgssrrh) grasshopper
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. ..... (prmts) imposter or impostor
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... (llwsc) 3 coleslaw
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. ..... (pwlrpl) wallpaper
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... (hymcn) chimney
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. ..... (mkhncp) chipmunk
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (cbnh) bunch
    Have a nice week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/27 de marilor76, postée le 11-06-2013 à 11:10:04 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    It has been a long time I didn't participate in your game.
    Here's my try :

    1- The price paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer etc or for some special service or right. ..... FEE
    2- A stand with three legs, especially for a camera. ..... TRIPOD
    3- Talking a lot. .....TALKATIVE
    4- A type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. ..... GRASSHOPPER
    5- A person who pretends to be someone else, or to be something he or she is not, in order to deceive another person. ..... (prmts)
    6- A salad made with finely-cut raw cabbage. ..... COLESLAW (arggg I knew the name but I didn't remember the spelling )
    7- Paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc. ..... WALLPAPER
    8- A passage for the escape of smoke from a fireplace or furnace. ..... CHIMNEY
    9- A type of North American squirrel with a bushy tail and black-and-white-striped back. ..... (mkhncp)
    10- A number of things fastened or growing together. ..... (cbnh)

    I found only 7 out of 10. Thanks a lot for the game and see you later.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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