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    The missing vowels/39

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    The missing vowels/39
    Message de marit64 posté le 29-08-2013 à 03:28:11 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week the number of vowels is given in 4 out of 10 answers.

    1- Not original or interesting. ..... (rcn) 2
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. ..... (sdsrr)
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. ..... (whrdr)
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married. ..... (rbd) 2
    5- A synonym of "unwilling". ..... (ttrcln)
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food. ..... (lmr) 2
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding. ..... (ddmrsb)
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc. ..... (tsrlc)
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it. ..... (lspc)
    10- A synonym of "to throw away". ..... (sdrdc) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Enjoy your week!

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de headway, postée le 29-08-2013 à 11:49:55 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1- Not original or interesting. ..... Corny.
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. ..... Sideboard.
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. ..... Hardware.
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married. ..... Bride.
    5- A synonym of "unwilling". .....Reluctant.
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food. ..... Molar.
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding. ..... Bridesmaid.
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc. ..... Escalator.
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it. ..... Eclipse.
    10- A synonym of "to throw away". .....Discard.

    Thank you for this new one.


    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de esperanto, postée le 29-08-2013 à 12:41:29 (S | E)
    Hi Marit, here are my answers :

    1)corny - 2)dresser - 3)harward - 4)bride - 5)reluctant -6)molar - 7)bridesmaid - 8)escalator

    9)eclipse - 10) discard

    I hope my answers will be right. Have a good day and thanks a lot.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de flowermusic, postée le 29-08-2013 à 12:52:47 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1- Not original or interesting. ..... (rcn) 2 corny
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. ..... (sdsrr) dresser
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. ..... (whrdr) hardware
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married. ..... (rbd) 2 bride
    5- A synonym of "unwilling". ..... (ttrcln) reluctant
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food. ..... (lmr) 2 molar
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding. ..... (ddmrsb) bridesmaid
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc. ..... (tsrlc) escalator
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it. ..... (lspc) eclipse
    10- A synonym of "to throw away". ..... (sdrdc) 2 discard

    Have a very nice week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de swan85, postée le 29-08-2013 à 13:28:14 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- Not original or interesting. Corny (rcn) 2
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. Dresser (sdsrr)
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. Hardware (whrdr)
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married. Bride (rbd) 2
    5- A synonym of "unwilling". Reluctant (ttrcln)
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food. Molar (lmr) 2
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding. Bridesmaid (ddmrsb)
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc. Escalator (tsrlc)
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it. Eclipse (lspc)
    10- A synonym of "to throw away". To Discard (sdrdc) 2

    Thank you very much again for this interesting topic and not corny at all.
    See you soon

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de dolfine56, postée le 29-08-2013 à 14:41:17 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, here we are...

    1- Not original or interesting. ..... (rcn) 2--corny
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. ..... (sdsrr)--dresser
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. ..... (whrdr)--hardware
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married. ..... (rbd) 2--bride
    5- A synonym of "unwilling". ..... (ttrcln)--reluctant
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food. ..... (lmr) 2--molar
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding. ..... (ddmrsb)--bridesmaid
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc. ..... (tsrlc)--escalator
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it. ..... (lspc)--eclipse
    10- A synonym of "to throw away". ..... (sdrdc) 2--to discard

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit.
    Enjoy this last August month.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de mamou3, postée le 29-08-2013 à 15:49:43 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and everybody,

    Wonderful to see all of you

    Here is my try :

    1. CORNY
    2. DRESSER
    4. BRIDE
    6. MOLAR
    9. ECLIPSE
    10. DISCARD

    Thanks a lot Marit !

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de sanna6, postée le 04-09-2013 à 06:00:51 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- Not original or interesting... corny
    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes. ..... (sdsrr)
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc. ..... (whrdr)
    4- A woman about to be married, or newly married... bride
    5- A synonym of "unwilling"... reluctant
    6- A back tooth which is used for grinding food... molar
    7- An unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding... bridesmaid
    8- A moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc... escalator
    9- The disappearance of the whole or part of the sun when the moon comes between it and the earth or of the moon when the earth's shadow falls across it...eclipse
    10- A synonym of "to throw away"... to discard

    I don't see for two words! ...perhaps later

    Réponse: The missing vowels/39 de sanna6, postée le 06-09-2013 à 21:19:51 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    2- A kitchen sideboard for holding dishes... dresser
    3- Metal goods such as pots, tools etc...hardware

    Thank a lot Marit !
    Have a nice weekend

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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