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    Correction /lettre motivation

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    Correction /lettre motivation
    Message de hello1233 posté le 30-08-2013 à 17:29:15 (S | E | F)

    j'ai écrit une lettre de motivation pour entrer dans une université à Edinburgh et j'aimerais savoir s'il était possible que quelqu'un jette un petit coup d’œil histoire de vérifier s'il n'y a pas trop de fautes..
    Merci d'avance !

    Dear Sir,

    Finishing a prep class in science, I am close to the end of my science undergraduate program at ECE xxx University. As part of my study, I would like to enter to xxx University in which I can complete a master of science in Quantitative financial engineering.

    Indeed I would like to direct my professional career to the consulting business and management in financial sector. That’s why this master seems appropriate to carry out my professional project.

    I think I have gained qualities like discipline, the taste for effort and perseverance. I therefore intend to continue to give the best of myself investing myself in my work, regardless of the difficulty.
    Finally, I will try to participate in the community life of the school. This experience will give me the senses of responsibility, the entrepreneurial spirit and the will to succeed, essential qualities to work in the financial engineering sector.

    Having already traveled in various countries such as Italia, the United States, and so on, I think I also have developped a capacity for adaptation, but I still want to discover new ways of working.

    I am available for an interview at your convenience and I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you for your time and consideration of my resume.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-08-2013 18:25

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