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    Correction / CV anglais

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Correction / CV anglais
    Message de alfi posté le 22-11-2013 à 15:04:31 (S | E | F)
    J'ai rédigé mon Cv en anglais afin de postuler à un stage US,mais je crains qu'il y reste de nombreuses erreurs d'orthographe et de grammaire.
    Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

    2011-current Ecole d’ingénieur XXX, XX, France.
    Chemistry major at a graduate-level engineering school which offers classes in French, English and German. Admission is based on a highly-competitive national exam upon which I ranked 795th out of over 4000 candidates.
    • Executed bi-weekly practical experiments, which consist in synthesis in organic and inorganic chemistry and chemical analysis
    • Competent in the use of UV-Vis, infrared and NMR spectroscopy as well as GC, HPLC and AAS.
    • Experienced in both organic and inorganic chemistry including the handling of air sensitive compounds.
    • Participated in organic chemistry, analytic chemistry and engineering chemistry classes.

    2009-2011 Lycée XX, XX, France
    Preparatory classes: A two-year intensive post-high school program in preparation for the national competitive exam for admission to engineering schools.

    2009 Lycée X, X, France
    French “Baccalauréat” (equivalent to Advanced High School diploma) with major in physics and mathematics obtained with highest honours.

    2013 MSD Animal Health, xxxxx
    Six-month internship within the Quality Control Operation department
    • Responsible for the analysis of test samples using HPLC. Used this method consistently for 6 months and trained a junior lab technician in the HPLC.
    • Carried out several projects concerning analytical method developments and improvements by HPLC and UPLC.

    February 2013 CNRS molecular biogeochemistry laboratory, xxxx
    Conducted extraction and analysis by GC and GC-MS of anthropogenic soils

    2013 Industrial project for the firm Technisoudure, xxxxx
    Established comparative study of the different monitoring methods of stripping and passivation bath which could be set up in the company within a team of 10 people

    July 2012 Kunststoffe und Farben Gesellschaft, xxxx
    Five-week internship with company which focuses on PMMA recycling. Performed experiment in laboratory including raw materials tests, end production tests and granulometric analysis

    French: Native speaker
    English: Proficient
    German: Proficient

    Use of Microsoft Office Suite, Chromaleon, TopSpin and SciFinder

    Experienced traveller in Europe
    Hobbies: Badminton, cycling, science fiction literature.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2013 18:37

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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