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    Oliver Twist / résumé

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Oliver Twist / résumé
    Message de jadee55 posté le 30-12-2013 à 13:17:04 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous ! J'ai lu le livre Oliver Twist et j'ai dû faire un résumé sur l'intrigue ainsi que donner mon avis ! Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger s'il vous plait ?
    Merci beaucoup pour le temps que vous prendrez afin de m'aider

    Oliver twist was born in a workhouse in England. His parents are died. So, at the beginning of story, he goes to the orphanage. At 9 years old, he leaves the orphanage, for go in a workhouse (It’s a house for very poor people). Over there, he works long hours but he eats very little. Thereby, a day, Oliver asks for more porridge. The director is offends and Oliver has to leave the workhouse. He is alone in the world and no one loves him. Oliver is hungry, and he is exhausted. In the first place, a band of young thieves collect him. They are cruel. Their leaders are Fagin and Bill Sikes. They learn to Oliver how to become a thief. After, He meets people who help him: Rose Maylie and Mr Browlow who is look after him and protect him. But some bad people want Oliver died and want kidnapped him. So, he is in great danger. Fortunately, Rose Maulie, Mr Browlow , Nancy and other kind people, will protect him. It's an endearing character but, very sad. He wants a family. It's a story full of surprises with sad and happiest events. Finally With the help of people very kind, Oliver reconstitutes his past and, at the ending of story, he finds happiness and a family who love him.

    My opinion:
    This book is amazing. I really liked it how I saw the poverty and the many social problems in England in this period through Oliver. I love this novel and I was enchanted by the plot. I’m touch by the story of OIiver and the courage of this boy. This story is captivate and touching. Oliver is small, thin and weak. He is orphan and he is very poor. And yet, he struggles for life. He is courageous and positive. It's an example. Then, I love the period of the story because I learned a lot of things (like, before, every town in England had a workhouse) so it's an interesting story. It’s A great book by a great author!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 14:24

    Réponse: Oliver Twist / résumé de carr30, postée le 30-12-2013 à 14:59:09 (S | E)
    Welcome to Dickens and well done with the résumé. I've marked the faults

    Oliver twist was born in a workhouse in England. His parents are died (needs adjective). So, at the beginning of story, he goes to the orphanage. At 9 years old, he leaves the orphanage, for needs infinitive go in a workhouse (It’s a house for very poor people). Over there, he works long hours but he eats very little. Thereby, a dayOne day?, Oliver asks for more porridge. The director is offendsneeds past participle and Oliver has to leave the workhouse. He is alone in the world and no one loves him. Oliver is hungry, and he is exhausted. In the first place, a band of young thieves collect him. They are cruel. Their leaders are Fagin and Bill Sikes. They learn to Fagin and Bill teach, Oliver learns Oliver how to become a thief. After, He meets people who help him: Rose Maylie and Mr Brownlow who is to look after him and protect him. But some bad people want Oliver died adjective and want to kidnapped him. So, he is in great danger. Fortunately, Rose Maulie, Mr Brownlow , Nancy and other kind people, will protect him. It's an endearing character but, very sad. He wants a family. It's a story full of surprises with sad and happyiest events. Finally With the help of very kind people very kind, Oliver reconstitutes rebuilds? his past and, at the ending of the story, he finds happiness and a family who love him.

    My opinion:
    This book is amazing. I really liked it how I saw the poverty and the many social problems in England in this period through Oliver. I love this novel and I was enchanted by the plot. I’m touched by the story of OIiver and the courage of this boy. This story is captivatinge and touching. Oliver is small, thin and weak. He is an orphan and he is very poor. And yet, he struggles for life. He is courageous and positive. It's an example. Then, I love the period of the story because I learned a lot of things (like, before, every town in England had a workhouse) so it's an interesting story. It’s A great book by a great author!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 22:37
    No red please.

    Réponse: Oliver Twist / résumé de jadee55, postée le 30-12-2013 à 21:25:03 (S | E)
    Thank you very much for your help . I corrected in red !

    Oliver twist was born in a workhouse in England. His parents are died young. So, at the beginning of story, he goes to the orphanage. At 9 years old, he leaves the orphanage, for to go in a workhouse (It’s a house for very poor people). Over there, he works long hours but he eats very little. Thereby, one day, Oliver asks for more porridge. The director is offended and Oliver has to leave the workhouse. He is alone in the world and no one loves him. Oliver is hungry, and he is exhausted. In the first place, a band of young thieves collect him. They are cruel. Their leaders are Fagin and Bill Sikes. Fagin and Bill teach Oliver how to become a thief. After, He meets people who help him: Rose Maylie and Mr Brownlow who is to look after him and protect him. But some bad people want Oliver to die and want to kidnaps him. So, he is in great danger. Fortunately, Rose Maylie, Mr Brownlow , Nancy and other kind people, will protect him. It's an endearing character but very sad. He wants a family. It's a story full of surprises with sad and happy events. Finally With the help of very kind people Oliver rebuilds his past and, at the ending of the story, he finds happiness and a family who love him.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 22:36
    No red please.

    Réponse: Oliver Twist / résumé de carr30, postée le 31-12-2013 à 10:18:08 (S | E)
    Well done, very nearly right now...

    Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse in England. His parents are died young. So, at the beginning of the story, he goes to the orphanage. At 9 years old, he leaves the orphanage, for to go in a workhouse (It’s a house for very poor people). Over there, he works long hours but he eats very little. Thereby, (you don't need any adverb here ) One day, Oliver asks for more porridge. The director is offended and Oliver has to leave the workhouse. He is alone in the world and no one loves him. Oliver is hungry, and he is exhausted. In the first place, a band of young thieves collect him. They are cruel. Their leaders are Fagin and Bill Sikes. Fagin and Bill teach Oliver how to become a thief. After,('Later' is better) he meets people who help him: Rose Maylie and Mr Brownlow who is to look after him and protect him. But some bad people want Oliver to die and want to kidnaps him. So, he is in great danger. Fortunately, Rose Maylie, Mr Brownlow , Nancy and other kind people, will protect him. It's an endearing character but very sad. He wants a family. It's a story full of surprises with sad and happy events. Finally With the help of very kind people Oliver rebuilds his past and, at the ending of the story, he finds happiness and a family who love him.

    Best wishes for the New Year.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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