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    The missing vowels/59

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    The missing vowels/59
    Message de marit64 posté le 15-01-2014 à 23:23:01 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week, the number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. ..... (rrccws)
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. ..... (ghts)
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. ..... (tthr)
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. ..... (rd) 3
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. ..... (khslmct) 2
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... (cbrdv)
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. ..... (sft)
    8- A female sheep. ..... (w)
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. ..... (hpcn)
    10- The opposite of "interested". ..... (ssrddttn) 5

    Good luck and have fun!

    Enjoy your week!

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de esperanto, postée le 16-01-2014 à 01:49:52 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and thank you very much for your new "the missing vowels"

    Here are my answers:

    1) scarecrow
    2) hostage
    3) hatter
    4) dairy
    5) locksmith
    6) bedcover
    7) feast
    8) ewe
    9) pinch
    10) disinterested

    Have a nice week and see you soon.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de mamou3, postée le 16-01-2014 à 06:03:44 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, Hello all of you !

    Thanks a lot Marit for this new challenge !

    Here is my try :

    2. HOSTAGE
    3. HATTER
    4. DAIRY
    7. FEAST
    8. EWE
    9. PINCH

    See you soon Marit ! Have a nice week !

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de flowermusic, postée le 16-01-2014 à 08:44:37 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,esperanto, mamou, and others ....

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. ..... (rrccws) scarecrow
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. ..... (ghts) hostage
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. ..... (tthr) hatter
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. ..... (rd) 3 dairy
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. ..... (khslmct) 2 locksmith
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... (cbrdv) bedcover
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. ..... (sft) feast
    8- A female sheep. ..... (w) ewe
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. ..... (hpcn) pinch
    10- The opposite of "interested". ..... (ssrddttn) 5 disinterested

    and my ...... of words
    Have a nice and sweet week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de dolfine56, postée le 16-01-2014 à 10:06:51 (S | E)
    hello, dear Marit,
    Here we are...

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. ..... (rrccws)--scarecrow
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. ..... (ghts)--hostage
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. ..... (tthr)--hatter
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. ..... (rd) 3--dairy
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. ..... (khslmct) 2--locksmith
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... (cbrdv)--bedcover
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. ..... (sft--feast)
    8- A female sheep. ..... (w)--ewe
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. ..... (hpcn)--pinch
    10- The opposite of "interested". ..... (ssrddttn)--disinterested

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit.
    Have a nice week.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de violet91, postée le 16-01-2014 à 12:54:23 (S | E)
    Hello dear marit ,
    I hope the weather is getting better in your 'Canada dry ' city ! Raining and raining overhere , but warm .

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. ..... Scarecrow.
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. ..... hostage )
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. ..... hatter.
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. ..... dairy
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. .... locksmith
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... bedcover
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. .... feast
    8- A female sheep. ..... ewe
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. .....pinch
    10- The opposite of "interested". ..... disinterested

    ...and that 's it ! Have a very nice time walking with ( snow) rackets ( on) ( the reason why you put it to decipher in your previous game ! Keeps you sporty ! .) Take care .

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de headway, postée le 16-01-2014 à 13:44:56 (S | E)
    Hi Marit

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. ..... Scarecrow.
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. ..... Hostage.
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. ..... Hatter.
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. ..... Dairy.
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. ..... Locksmith.
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... Bedcover.
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. .....Feast.
    8- A female sheep. ..... Ewe.
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. ..... Pinch.
    10- The opposite of "interested". ..... Disinterested.

    Thank you Marit Hope you made a good start to 2014.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de swan85, postée le 18-01-2014 à 13:25:59 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Tank you very much for this new topic

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc. (rrccws) Scarecrow
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out. (ghts) Hostage
    3- A person who makes or sells hats. (tthr) Hatter
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc. (rd) 3 Dairy
    5- A person who makes and mends locks. (khslmct) 2 Locksmith
    6- A top cover for a bed. ..... (cbrdv) Bedcover
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion. (sft) Feast
    8- A female sheep. (w) Ewe
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger. (hpcn) to Pinch
    10- The opposite of "interested". (ssrddttn) 5 Disinterested

    Have a nice week-end

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de sanna6, postée le 18-01-2014 à 23:33:28 (S | E)
    Hello everybody

    1- A figure set up in a field, to scare away birds and stop them eating the seeds etc... scarecrow
    2- A person who is held prisoner in order to ensure that the captor's demands will be carried out... hostage
    3- A person who makes or sells hats... hatter
    4- A shop supplying milk, butter, cheese etc... dairy
    5- A person who makes and mends locks... locksmith
    6- A top cover for a bed... bedcover
    7- A large and rich meal, usually eaten to celebrate some occasion... feast
    8- A female sheep...ewe
    9- To squeeze or press tightly (flesh), especially between the thumb and forefinger... to pinch
    10- The opposite of "interested"... disinterested

    Thank you very much Marit

    Réponse: The missing vowels/59 de bibi62, postée le 19-01-2014 à 19:45:43 (S | E)

    Here is my try

    2. HOSTAGE
    3. HATTER
    4. DAIRY
    7. FEAST
    8. EWE
    9. PINCH


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