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    Correction /lettre motivation

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    Correction /lettre motivation
    Message de loulou57 posté le 04-05-2014 à 02:02:51 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir à tou(te)s,

    J'aurais besoin d'un petit coup de main, pour m'aider à corriger une lettre de motivation pour un master …
    Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre aide ))

    Re : Letter of motivation « M2 Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe»

    The renown of the xxx Institute of Political Studies and the quality of its teaching, make me ask my registration to obtain a Master 2 " Strategy and Corporate Finance in Europe ".

    Future holder of an Audit -Finance – Accounting Master at the School of Management of xxx, I would strongly integrate your school to refine my skills.

    During my studies in business school and especially during my exchange year spent abroad, in the xxx College, I could improve my English and my knowledge of finance. I followed courses in investment analysis, as well as corporate finance and financial markets. The former Director of the Bank of xxx and xxx, Nobel Prize in economics, did us the honour of coming and sharing their experience.

    Given the tightness on the labor market and the difficult economic situation in our country, it seems necessary to continue my studies a time, to become a professional fully able to cope with these developments ; hence my desire to integrate this master in its research way.

    Fascinated by the numbers and the economy, my professional goal is to exercise the profession of finance analyst in a bank where I would have to describe and analyze the positioning of different actors and anticipate future strategies.
    My enthusiasm , my rigor and my determination will all assets that will help me succeed in this project.

    Waiting for your reply, I hope favorable, I beg you to accept , , my best regards .
    Yours faithfully

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2014 07:53

    Réponse: Correction /lettre motivation de loulou57, postée le 05-05-2014 à 02:50:43 (S | E)
    Up? :/

    Merci beaucoup d'avance

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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