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    The missing vowels/82

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    The missing vowels/82
    Message de marit64 posté le 03-07-2014 à 03:16:24 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

    1- To demand as a right. ..... (lmc)
    2- A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. ..... (tlgsnl)
    3- The bag-like part of a cow, goat etc, with teats that supply milk for their young or for humans. ..... (drd)
    4- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (krsw)
    5- A usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes. (gnr)
    6- A person who looks after something, for instance, animals in a zoo. ..... (pkr) 3
    7- A long walk, usually in the country. ..... (kh) 2
    8- Someone who provides food for all types of functions. ..... (crrt) 3
    9- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc. ..... (rqk) 2
    10- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (mnrfr) 4

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice and sunny week!

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de flowermusic, postée le 03-07-2014 à 08:36:00 (S | E)
    hello Marit

    1- To demand as a right. ..... (lmc) claim
    2- A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. ..... (tlgsnl) gallstone
    3- The bag-like part of a cow, goat etc, with teats that supply milk for their young or for humans. ..... (drd) udder
    4- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (krsw) skewer
    5- A usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes. (gnr) organ
    6- A person who looks after something, for instance, animals in a zoo. ..... (pkr) 3 keeper
    7- A long walk, usually in the country. ..... (kh) 2 hike
    8- Someone who provides food for all types of functions. ..... (crrt) 3 caterer
    9- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc. ..... (rqk) 2 quirk
    10- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (mnrfr) 4 infirmary

    Have a nice week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de dolfine56, postée le 03-07-2014 à 10:25:12 (S | E)
    Marit, Flowermusique ans everybody....

    1- To demand as a right. ..... (lmc) claim
    2- A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. ..... (tlgsnl) gallstone
    3- The bag-like part of a cow, goat etc, with teats that supply milk for their young or for humans. ..... (drd) udder
    4- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. ..... (krsw) skewer
    5- A usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes. (gnr) organ
    6- A person who looks after something, for instance, animals in a zoo. ..... (pkr) 3 keeper
    7- A long walk, usually in the country. ..... (kh) 2 hike
    8- Someone who provides food for all types of functions. ..... (crrt) 3 caterer
    9- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc. ..... (rqk) 2 quirk
    10- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (mnrfr) 4 infirmary

    Thanks a lot, dear marit.
    Enjoy that nice weather....

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de violet91, postée le 03-07-2014 à 13:30:36 (S | E)

    Hello dear Marit from overthere , far away ( great thanks for keeping us entertained) , hello flower and dolfine from Brittany ( how are you ? ).
    This game was not that easy , this week ! Or , heat slows down our abilities of thinking !

    1 ) to claim.
    2 ) gallstone : ouch ! Horrid !.
    3 ) udder : a farmer tried to teach me as a child how to milk a cow = I was scared of sitting 'under' big legs and such a belly , and on the other hand , I just couldn't pull and squeeze a teat properly ; I felt a bit disgusted and soon gave up : not one drop of milk !.
    4 ) skewer.
    5 ) organ like' the organ-playing trees ' in 'Under Milkwood' by great Welsh Dylan Thomas .
    6 ) a keeper ( let all animals remain free !)speak of a goal keeper , you'll be 'in ', these days ! .
    7 ) hike , no hitch-hiking ! .
    8 ) caterer .
    9 ) quirk.
    10 ) an infirmary ( French / Latin ).

    Well , that is all for today when I wish I had a swimming pool or could swim in the ocean's waves !
    Hope you are fit and happy with this lovely Summer . Let's keep our fingers crossed for it to last ! So long , dear .

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de mamou3, postée le 05-07-2014 à 06:02:35 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, Hello Flowermusic, Violet and cie,

    Here are my answers :

    1. CLAIM
    3. UDDER
    4. SKEWER
    5. ORGAN
    6. KEEPER
    7. HIKE
    8. CATERER
    9. QUIRK

    Thanks a lot Marit ! See you next week !

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de swan85, postée le 05-07-2014 à 22:05:05 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Thank you for these interesting words.

    1- To demand as a right. Claim (lmc)
    2- A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. Gallstone (tlgsnl)
    3- The bag-like part of a cow, goat etc, with teats that supply milk for their young or for humans. Udder (drd)
    4- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting. Skewer (krsw)
    5- A usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes. Organ (gnr)
    6- A person who looks after something, for instance, animals in a zoo. Keeper (pkr) 3
    7- A long walk, usually in the country. Hike (kh) 2
    8- Someone who provides food for all types of functions. Caterer (crrt) 3
    9- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc. Quirk (rqk) 2
    10- A name given to some hospitals. Infirmary (mnrfr) 4

    Have a nice week.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/82 de sanna6, postée le 06-07-2014 à 11:49:31 (S | E)

    1- To demand as a right... to claim
    2- A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder...gallstone
    3- The bag-like part of a cow, goat etc, with teats that supply milk for their young or for humans... udder
    4- A long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting...skewer
    5- A usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes...organ
    6- A person who looks after something, for instance, animals in a zoo... keeper
    7- A long walk, usually in the country... hike
    8- Someone who provides food for all types of functions... caterer
    9- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behaviour etc.. quirk
    10- A name given to some hospitals... infirmary

    Thank you very much Marit for these new words !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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