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    CV /correction

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    CV /correction
    Message de winrynette posté le 10-08-2014 à 16:45:11 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    Comme beaucoup de personnes, je viens vous demander de l'aide pour la rédaction de mon curriculum vitae. J'ai commencé par regarder les corrections de CV qui ont été faites mais comme chaque CV est unique, j'ai quand même besoin de votre aide.
    C'est une candidature spontanée pour un poste dans le secteur de l'industrie textile. J'ai caché les entreprises et les dates.
    Merci pour l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter !

    Coordinator of collection assistant – Baby wear Department
    fixed term contract xxx to xxx
    -Design coordination (communication with designers, INPI control, modification and add of products)
    -Creation des fiches techniques des produits
    -Creation of the « essential » line (choice of colours, of shapes, of prints and design of products)
    -Implementation of the trade fair for supermarket buyers

    Coordinator of collection assistant – Design department
    Compulsory internship from xxxx to xxx
    -Coordination of collection (around 100 fabrics references by collection, 4 collections by year)
    -Dealing with fabrics orders, supplies orders but also with accessories and finished product orders
    -Sourcing supplies and fabrics
    -Redaction and updating of collection and production files
    -Quality control of accessories (belt, bag, shoes, small leather goods, scarf…)
    -Improving the inventories of supplies and fabrics with the main supply and the product unit
    -Creation of fabrics references books and book sales

    Fabrics and supplying buyer assistant – Production department
    Training period from xxx to xxx
    -Creation of fabrics references book
    -Fabrics and supplying suppliers follow up

    xxx: Manager and developer product in fashion and clothing industry in Paris Chamber of Commerce Clothing Industry School- Ranked third in a class of 32.
    xxx: Licence of Japanese (equivalent to a British Bachelor of foreign language)
    xxx : On year studying Japanese in Japan (Kyoto and Tokyo)
    xxx: Baccalauréat scientifique –equivalent to A Level in Science

    User experience of Microsoft (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook), of Lectra (Diamino, Kaledo, Modaris), and basic on Illustrator and Photoshop.
    French: native speaker
    Japanese and English: fluent. TOEIC (920/990) after two months stay in Dublin in xxxx.
    Italian, German and Chinese: beginner

    Fashion blog : xxx
    Learning foreign languages and foreign culure. Visit of Paris by district and visit of French regions.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-08-2014 18:42

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