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    The missing vowels/94

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    The missing vowels/94
    Message de marit64 posté le 02-10-2014 à 00:30:37 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

    1- A legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law. ..... (rlt) 2
    2- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ..... (rhccn)
    3- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..... (lql) 2
    4- To gain or reach successfully. ..... (hvc) 4
    5- A good looking-man. ..... (dmhsn) 3
    6- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmts) 2
    7- A small room (especially in a prison or monastary). ..... (lcl)
    8- A circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currents. ..... (phllwr) 3
    9- A continuous pain. ..... (hc) 2
    10- An apparatus for sprinkling water over a lawn. ..... (kprrlns) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    Next week, the exercise will be posted on Thursday because I'm going on a trip on Wednesday.

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/94 de flowermusic, postée le 02-10-2014 à 01:10:54 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    I hope your trip will be fine

    1- A legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law. ..... (rlt) 2 trial
    2- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ..... (rhccn) crunch
    3- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..... (lql) 2 quill
    4- To gain or reach successfully. ..... (hvc) 4 achieve
    5- A good looking-man. ..... (dmhsn) 3 handsome
    6- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmts) 2 misfit
    7- A small room (especially in a prison or monastary). ..... (lcl) cell
    8- A circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currents. ..... (phllwr) 3 whirlpool
    9- A continuous pain. ..... (hc) 2 ache
    10- An apparatus for sprinkling water over a lawn. ..... (kprrlns) 2 sprinkler

    Have a sweet week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/94 de headway, postée le 02-10-2014 à 11:40:20 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- A legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law. ..... Trial.
    2- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. ..... Crunch.
    3- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..... Quill.
    4- To gain or reach successfully. ..... Achieve.
    5- A good looking-man. ..... Handsome.
    6- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... Misfit.
    7- A small room (especially in a prison or monastary). ..... Cell.
    8- A circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currents. ..... Whirlpool.
    9- A continuous pain. ..... Ache.
    10- An apparatus for sprinkling water over a lawn. ..... Sprinkler.

    Thank you Marit for this new one.


    Réponse: The missing vowels/94 de esperanto, postée le 02-10-2014 à 22:23:53 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, Flowermusic, Headway and all of you.

    Here are my answers :

    1) trial
    2) Crunch
    3) quill
    4) achieve
    5) handsome
    6) misfit
    7) cell
    8) Whirlpool
    9) ache
    10) sprinkler

    Have a nice and sunny (if possible) week and see you later.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/94 de dolfine56, postée le 03-10-2014 à 09:56:44 (S | E)
    Hello, dear Marit,
    Here we are...

    1- A legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law. ....trial.
    2- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc. crunch
    3- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..quill...
    4- To gain or reach successfully. ..... (hvc) to -achieve
    5- A good looking-man. ..... (dmhsn) 3 ----handsome
    6- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmts) mistif
    7- A small room (especially in a prison or monastary). ..... (lcl)--cell
    8- A circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currents. .....whirlpool
    9- A continuous pain. ..... (hc) ache
    10- An apparatus for sprinkling water over a lawn. ..... sprinkler

    Thanks a lot, dear Marit...
    Enjoy that week...

    Réponse: The missing vowels/94 de sanna6, postée le 04-10-2014 à 00:48:45 (S | E)

    1- A legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law... trial
    2- To crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc... to crunch
    3- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen... quill
    4- To gain or reach successfully... to achieve
    5- A good looking-man... handsome
    6- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others... misfit
    7- A small room (especially in a prison or monastary)... cell
    8- A circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currents... whirlpool
    9- A continuous pain...ache
    10- An apparatus for sprinkling water over a lawn... sprinkler

    Thank you again Marit for your words

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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