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    Correction/cover letter

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    Correction/cover letter
    Message de margot78 posté le 08-10-2014 à 14:08:22 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,
    Je souhaite partir en Ecosse ou en Irlande pour une année, et je veux postuler au Musée du Whisky d’Édimbourg.
    Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait relire ma lettre de motivation ? La voici :

    I'm writing to apply to for a position in The Scotch Whisky Experience. Thanks to my previous experiences I am polyvalent I could work in any service of the museum where you will need me. I'm available to start working in November.

    After three years of studying Wine and Spirits trade in France I have been really fascinate about the whisky, and I am truly interesting about the Scottish culture and history. Obviously, your company seemed to be the perfect place where I could increase my knowledge in both areas.

    During my studies I realized several internship in companies in various sectors in a cellar of wine and spirits, wholesale of wine, tourism, waitress. Thanks to this experiences I will be able to occupy different positions within your company. As a saleswoman I was charge of analysing customer demand and propose them a selection of products in a wine and spirits cellar in Paris, during this period I had to interact with French and foreign clients, so I had to to speak with them in English. At XXX I had to animate wine tasting lesson in French and in English, I also had to do guided tours of the museum exhibition. Finally, I have worked as a waitress at the Museum restaurant.

    I will be glad to reinvest my skills in any department of The Scotch Whisky Experience where you will need me.

    Please find my CV attached. I would be grateful if you would consider me for any suitable positions. I am available for interview on skype please contact me by e-mail.

    Merci d'avance ;)

    Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2014 21:27

    Réponse: Correction/cover letter de bluestar, postée le 08-10-2014 à 16:32:39 (S | E)

    I'm writing to apply to for a position in The Scotch Whisky Experience. Thanks to my previous experiences I am polyvalent ['versatile' irait mieux] and I could work in any service of the museum where you will may need me. I'm available to start working in November.

    After three years of studying Wine and Spirits trade in France I have been really fascinate (a reformuler) about the whisky, and I am truly interesting about in the Scottish culture and history. Obviously, your company seemed to be the perfect place where I could increase my knowledge in both areas.

    During my studies I realized (un autre verbe: servir) several internship(pluriel) in companies in various sectors in a cellar of wine and spirits, wholesale of wine, tourism, waitress. Thanks to this (pluriel) experiences I will(le conditionnel serait mieux que le futur ici) be able to occupy different positions within your company. As a saleswoman I was (manque une prep. ici) charge of analysing customer demand and propose(utiliser le participe ici) them a selection of products in a wine and spirits cellar in Paris. Dduring this period I had to interact with French and foreign clients, so I had to to speak with them in English. At XXX I had to animate (un faux ami) wine-tasting lesson (pluriel) in French and in English, and I also had to do guided tours of the museum exhibition. Finally, I have worked as a waitress at the Museum restaurant.

    I will be glad to reinvest apply my skills in any department of The Scotch Whisky Experience where you will may need me.

    Please find my CV attached. I would be grateful if you would consider me for any suitable positions. I am available for interview on skype please contact me by e-mail.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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