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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de daroots posté le 17-10-2014 à 14:52:16 (S | E | F)

    This is a recommendation letter following my "2ème année de Master", that will be addressed to a company.
    Could you hel me please?
    I'm waiting for English-speaker's advice. Do you think that's clear enough ? Is there any expression or detail that may or may not appear ?
    Best regards

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    Mr.X did his graduation internship at the XXX, in the XXX group under my supervision and my colleague’s XXX.

    The research topic of this internship was based on XXX. Thus, X had the opporunity to master the multiple techniques and adapt to the working conditions of our laboratory. Then he has quickly been able to make his own decisions, and presented his results every day. He has always been curious, rigorous, initiative and highly motivated. Very comfortable with writing, his different technical reports have been highly appreciated, just as his MA thesis.
    The results that Mr. X obtained during this internship have been presented to our funding partner, who showed very satisfied.

    As a conclusion, we are greatly satisfied of the work provided during this internship. Mr. X has particularly well adapted to the lab life and has been appreciated by everyone.

    If you have any further questions regarding X’s ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this footer.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 17-10-2014 19:12

    Réponse: Recommandation/aide de daroots, postée le 21-10-2014 à 08:42:54 (S | E)

    Please could you just tell me if that those expressions are correct ? :
    "...the working conditions of our lab..." for "l'environnement de travail"
    "...just as his MA thesis." for "tout comme son mémoire."
    "X has particularly well adapted to the lab life" for "XXX s'est particulièrement bien adapté à la vie du labo"
    Thank you for your time
    Good day

    Réponse: Recommandation/aide de bluestar, postée le 21-10-2014 à 09:52:01 (S | E)

    Mr.X did his graduation internship at the XXX, in the XXX group under my supervision and my colleague’s XXX.

    The research topic of this internship was based on XXX. Thus, X had the opporunity (spelling) to master the multiple techniques and adapt to the working conditions of our laboratory. Then he has quickly been able to make his own decisions (put "quickly" after "decisions"), and presented his results every day. He has always been curious, rigorous, initiative ('initiative' is a noun, not an adjective, but you can say " showed initiative") and was highly motivated. Very comfortable with writing, his different technical reports have been highly appreciated, just as has his MA thesis.
    The results that Mr. X obtained during this internship have been presented to our funding partner, who showed (wrong verb) very satisfied.

    As a In conclusion, we are greatly satisfied of the work provided during this internship. Mr. X has particularly well adapted to the lab life and has been appreciated by everyone.

    If you have any further questions regarding X’s ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this footer.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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