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    The missing vowels/97

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    The missing vowels/97
    Message de marit64 posté le 22-10-2014 à 23:38:02 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Since you worked harder than usual last week, this time the number of vowels is given in 6 out of 10 answers.

    1- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... (gh)
    2- A type of tall plan grown from a bulb, with white or coloured flowers. ..... (ll) 2
    3- To grow in size, number etc. ..... (scrn) 4
    4- To go or walk (through water, mud etc) with some difficulty. ..... (dw) 2
    5- A quicker way between two places. ..... (tthcrs)
    6- To tell a story. ..... (rtnr)
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..... (hnrc)
    8- A wind that blows in Southern Asia, from the south-west in summer, from the northeast in winter. ..... (nnms) 3
    9- A man about to be married, or newly married. ..... (rmdbgr) 4
    10- Some workers no longer employed because there is no longer any job for them where they used to work. ..... (ddtrnn) 3

    Best of luck to each one of you and have fun.

    Have a nice week.

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/97 de esperanto, postée le 23-10-2014 à 08:54:36 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here is my try :

    1) hug
    2) lily
    3) increase
    4) to Wade
    5) shortcut , réponse que je viens de copier sur Flowermusic. J'étais omnubilée par un moyen de transport!!!
    6) to narrate
    7) Anchor
    8) monsoon
    9) bridegroom
    10) redundant

    J'ai beau chercher le n°5, mais sans succès ???

    Have a very nice week Marit and see you later.

    Coucou Flowermusic, pardon et merci! ça m'énervait de ne pas trouver!

    Réponse: The missing vowels/97 de flowermusic, postée le 23-10-2014 à 09:01:38 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Always enjoying your words

    1- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... (gh) hug
    2- A type of tall plan grown from a bulb, with white or coloured flowers. ..... (ll) 2 lily
    3- To grow in size, number etc. ..... (scrn) 4 increase
    4- To go or walk (through water, mud etc) with some difficulty. ..... (dw) 2 wade
    5- A quicker way between two places. ..... (tthcrs) shortcut
    6- To tell a story. ..... (rtnr) narrate
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..... (hnrc) anchor
    8- A wind that blows in Southern Asia, from the south-west in summer, from the northeast in winter. ..... (nnms) 3 monsoon
    9- A man about to be married, or newly married. ..... (rmdbgr) 4 bridegroom
    10- Some workers no longer employed because there is no longer any job for them where they used to work. ..... (ddtrnn) 3 redundant

    Have a sweet week

    -------------------Modifié par flowermusic le 23-10-2014 09:02
    Coucou Esperanto

    Réponse: The missing vowels/97 de dolfine56, postée le 23-10-2014 à 11:39:44 (S | E)
    Hello, dear Marit,
    Here we are...
    thanks a lot...

    1- To hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love. ..... (gh)--hug
    2- A type of tall plan grown from a bulb, with white or coloured flowers. ..... (ll) 2--lily
    3- To grow in size, number etc. ..... (scrn) 4--increase
    4- To go or walk (through water, mud etc) with some difficulty. ..... (dw) 2--wade
    5- A quicker way between two places. ..... (tthcrs) --shortcut
    6- To tell a story. ..... (rtnr)--narrate
    7- A heavy piece of metal with points which dig into the sea-bed, used to hold a boat in one position. ..anchor
    8- A wind that blows in Southern Asia, from the south-west in summer, from the northeast in winter. ..... monsoon
    9- A man about to be married, or newly married. ..... bridegroom
    10- Some workers no longer employed because there is no longer any job for them where they used to work. ..... (ddtrnn) 3--redundant

    Have a nice week..

    Réponse: The missing vowels/97 de violet91, postée le 23-10-2014 à 14:41:51 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit and all ,

    Your game often brings back to me nice memories of my childhood : thank you , again !
    Here we go !

    1 ) hug : better in the plural : hugs and kisses by the way !
    2 ) a lily : do you like waterlilies ? ( Monet )
    3 ) to wade ( very unpleasant in a conversation )
    4 ) increase like violence and almost all prices
    5 ) a shortcut ( so convenient when you know London or Paris 'by heart '
    6 ) to narrate : not to confuse : a narrator and a writer , which many students do .
    7 ) anchor : isn't it a brand of tinned pilchards ?!
    8 ) sonmoon : ah ! This recalls the impressive film in the mid-fifties : Lana Turner I had forgotten ..
    9 ) the bridegroom : have you ever heard this , sung on Mendelsohn's march for the tune ? 'Here comes the bride, big , fat'n wide , here comes the groom as thin as a broom ? ' Have a try and you'll never forget it !
    10 ) redundant ; isn't it a little obsolete ( if I may) for laid-off /dismissed/ sacked/ fired ..?

    Playing with you was nice as usual ...Don't mind my questions ,dear Marit, but I suppose Canadian English may be as Canadian French ( apart from the very strong accent which is so pleasant but difficult to understand ) with slight differences of vocabulary ? Faire de la trottinette = faire du jogging ?
    Get well and take care ! Have a nice time , reading or watching good films , for instance .

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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