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    Correction/ cover letter

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    Correction/ cover letter
    Message de alex86 posté le 03-11-2014 à 11:29:39 (S | E | F)
    I'm in Master and I want to search an internship in CA, US or NL. I've written an letter cover cover letter but I'm not sure if whether I made the correct translation. Could you help me please ? Thank you in advance

    Object: Unsolicited applications for the post of export sales trainee

    Available from early March 2015 for a period of 4 to 6 months
    Placement under agreement of the Master 2 XXXXXXXX, University of XXXXXX

    Dear Sir or Madame,

    Your company operates in the international wine world, importing wines from many countries around the world such as France, and selling it among your distribution channels. Your competence of international wine trade is that I wish to develop. The end of my studies gives me the opportunity to benefit from the professional knowledge structure of this sector through an internship, and I would like to do it in your company.

    Having seen my interest for the wine sector flourish only recently, so I wanted to make it a continuation of my studies. Therefore currently studying a Master 2 XXXXXX at the University of XXXXXX, I strive to achieve this training, which seems to me the best opportunity to gain new experiences, even more rewarding to achieve the realization my goals and to integrate myself in this industry.

    Curious by nature and hard worker, still determined to go ahead, my initial training in my studies allowed me to benefit from a multidisciplinary knowledge in areas such as law, economics and management. Thereafter, my year of academic exchange in the Netherlands has enriched my knowledge in marketing and communication, while discovering a new way of working and perfecting my English language skills.

    Convinced that my contribution would be a benefit to your organization and my career, I address this letter to you today in the hope of working with you and take advantage of your expertise and your working methods while contributing to the development of your business and the goals that are yours.

    Yours faithfully.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2014 12:42

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