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    Correction/ CV

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    Correction/ CV
    Message de alex86 posté le 03-11-2014 à 11:36:50 (S | E | F)
    I'm in Master and I want to search an internship in CA, US or NL. I've written a CV but I'm not sure if whether I made the correct translation. Could you help me please ? Thank you in advance.

    Career planning
    Ambitious, combative, open minded and enjoying taking risks - the area of the import-export operations are part of the career path that I would like to develop in the wine industry field due to my growing interest in its dynamism, its exchange and mainly for its numerous opportunities toward the international!

    2014-2015 Master's II degree, XXXXXX
    Université de XXXXXX and XXXXXX – XXXXXX – XXXXXX
    Contents: general accounting, knowledge of wines (wine tasting), strategic management, negotiation strategies, e-commerce, institutions and professional organisations of the wine industry, wine marketing, communication. Teamwork project: created the alumni network of the master and organized an event about the promotion of it. Jobs: employed during the “FIA (International Business Forum) Sud de France” for the wine industry, with the mission of helping the management of the “business to business” area.

    2013-2014 Master's I degree, XXXXXX
    Erasmus Program – exchange student program of the European Union
    School of Management of the XXXXXX – XXXXXX – XXXXXX – Language of study: English
    Main contents: marketing, business communication, economics and sustainable development

    2009-2012 Bachelor's Degree, Law Economics Management, Economic and Social Administration
    Community involvement: board member of the association "XXXXXX" during 2 years between 2010
    and 2012 - collective organization and communication of many events (Gala, professional meetings,
    charity events) about the promotion of the XXXXXX's studies at the University of XXXXXX.

    2007-2009 Professional High School Degree, Electricity, Energy and Communicating Devices

    Academic & Professional skills
    • Wine Trade: wine knowledge (tasting techniques, varieties, aromas), trading strategy, wine marketing, English applied to the wine trade, e-commerce wine oriented
    • Fundamentals of marketing, statistics and human management
    • Implementation of technical accounting and administrative management
    • Analyse a complex situation, exercise capacity for abstraction, teamwork
    • Mother tongue in French

    Example of skills used during my studies
    • Marketing: created in teamwork a comprehensive marketing plan in English for the creation of a line of clothing for “XXXXXX” (line of clothes for pregnant women) in the XXXXXX
    • E-commerce: created a commercial website to sell wine online with Word Press
    • Negotiation strategies: realized a market research for the export of wine for the following areas - Germany and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
    • Strategic management: realized a "strategic diagnosis" of a company Bonfils in the wine sector

    Work Experiences
    July & August Seasonal Worker: Kitchen Assistant
    2014 Company: XXXXXX - Place: XXXXXX
    Kitchen assistant: wash various kitchen utensils, wash the dishes and cutlery, keep clean the kitchen,
    take out the trash. Also work as Kitchen Assistant in 2013 during 2 months (July and August).
    Bartender: preparing and serving a variety of drinks, customer management - in 2012 during 3
    months (June to August).

    July 2011 Seasonal Worker: Retail Employee
    Company: XXXXXX - Place: XXXXXX
    Retail employee: loading of products in the shelving - "back to school" sector of the shop, inventory, stock, price management and advising customers.

    August 2011 Seasonal Worker: Turnkey in a post office
    Company: XXXXXX – Place: XXXXXX
    Turnkey: reception and management of customers and professionals, recording the various bank
    operations, recording the mail transaction, selling the products of the group. Also as Postman/Sorting
    Agent: checking mail boxes with a company car, sorting the mail, sorting parcels - during 5 months
    between 2005 to 2010.

    Special Skills
    French: Mother tongue
    English: Fluent
    Travels: Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, and Netherlands

    • Office: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Apple (Pages, Numbers, Keynote), Skype, Evernote
    • Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram
    • Web creation: Word Press

    Interest and Activities
    Sports - Bodybuilding, and biking as a way of urban transport
    Curiosity - News and Actuality, Environment, Science and New Technologies
    Guitar, level - beginner
    DIY - paper making, paper toys

    References available upon request

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2014 12:37

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