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    The missing vowels/101

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    The missing vowels/101
    Message de marit64 posté le 26-11-2014 à 21:27:13 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

    1- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. ..... (smrm) 3
    2- An animal, plant or person much smaller than normal. ..... (rwfd)
    3- Copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose. ..... (fttcrn) 5
    4- The framework of bone around the body below the waist. ..... (vpsl)
    5- A rounded handle on or for a door or drawer. ..... (bkn)
    6- The unpleasant effects of having had too much alcohol. ..... (grnvh) 3
    7- Easily annoyed or offended. ..... (cth) 3
    8- A type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action. ..... (rswc)
    9- To be able to spend money, time on or for something. ..... (fdfr)
    10- A person who fishes either as a job or as a hobby. ..... (hnrmfs) 3

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice week!

    So long

    Réponse: The missing vowels/101 de flowermusic, postée le 26-11-2014 à 22:15:48 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Nice to meet you and play with your words

    1- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. ..... (smrm) 3 immerse
    2- An animal, plant or person much smaller than normal. ..... (rwfd) dwarf
    3- Copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose. ..... (fttcrn) 5 counterfeit
    4- The framework of bone around the body below the waist. ..... (vpsl) pelvis
    5- A rounded handle on or for a door or drawer. ..... (bkn) knob
    6- The unpleasant effects of having had too much alcohol. ..... (grnvh) 3 hangover
    7- Easily annoyed or offended. ..... (cth) 3 touchy
    8- A type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action. ..... (rswc) screw
    9- To be able to spend money, time on or for something. ..... (fdfr) afford
    10- A person who fishes either as a job or as a hobby. ..... (hnrmfs) 3 fisherman

    Have a sweet week

    Réponse: The missing vowels/101 de afarodj, postée le 30-11-2014 à 10:30:40 (S | E)
    Hi marit!
    Here are my 9 out of 10 answers:

    1- To put completely under the surface of a liquid. ..... (smrm) 3- Immerse.
    2- An animal, plant or person much smaller than normal. ..... (rwfd)-Dwarf.
    3- Copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose. ..... (fttcrn) 5-Counterfeit.
    4- The framework of bone around the body below the waist. ..... (vpsl) -Pelvis.
    5- A rounded handle on or for a door or drawer. ..... (bkn)- Knob.
    6- The unpleasant effects of having had too much alcohol. ..... (grnvh) 3 -?
    7- Easily annoyed or offended. ..... (cth) 3 -Touchy
    8- A type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action. ..... (rswc) -Screw.
    9- To be able to spend money, time on or for something. ..... (fdfr) -Afford.
    10- A person who fishes either as a job or as a hobby. ..... (hnrmfs) 3- Fisherman.

    Réponse: The missing vowels/101 de violet91, postée le 30-11-2014 à 12:50:55 (S | E)
    Hello dearest Marit ,
    Winter is coming along ( brrr..and dull days ) and delightful Christmas atmosphere around , fortunately ! Hope you are well and happy , too . Thank you for this new game ( I wonder whether you already posted it once ... I must be wrong , but 2 words ring a bell > so , bells ! Let us be generous ! )

    1 ) to immerse, immersed in English , as I am and in temporary germs as well ! .
    2 ) a dwarf ( this is number one, like friend bonsai93 on the site ! )
    3 ) counterfeit ( this is number two ) .
    4 ) pelvis ( another medical term chosen by you / one a week
    5 ) a (k)nob( Marit
    6 ) a hangover , one of the few new words I learnt in London , my initiation at the age of 20 and that was all !
    7 ) to be touchy : I flee is too short for people who ruin it like that ; no friends or family , except one very close
    8 ) screw !( Marit ) Great memory of work at 'The turn of the screw' Henry James with students .
    9 ) to afford ( thinking of 'buying' a genuine leather coat , hazel ( caramel , no toffee ) coloured for Xm'as )
    10 ) a fisherman( we've got a great fisherwoman on the site ) .

    There we are ! Thanks again and have a lovely Sunday , Canadian friend , as soon as you wake up . Nice week as well .

    Réponse: The missing vowels/101 de esperanto, postée le 07-12-2014 à 18:15:38 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Marit, il n'est jamais trop tard pour bien faire, n'est-ce pas!

    Voici donc mes réponses, sauf pour la 3 laquelle j'ai copiée sur mes voisines.

    1) to immerse
    2) dwarf
    3) counterfeit
    4) pelvis
    5) knob
    6) hangover
    7) touchy
    8) screw
    9) to afford
    10) fisherman

    Thanks a lot Marit!

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