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    Aide/lettre motivation

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    Aide/lettre motivation
    Message de sarah159 posté le 02-01-2015 à 11:37:26 (S | E | F)
    J'ai écrit une lettre en anglais mais je ne suis pas sûre que mes phrases soient compréhensibles ! J'aurais donc besoin de votre aide pour corriger ma lettre de motivation. Un grand merci à ceux qui m'aideront à comprendre mes erreurs !

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to put forward my apply, that is accept my postulate for enter the XXXXXX at the XXXXXX of XXXXXX.
    I learnt that the XXXXX had opened the XXXXXX class at the XXXXXX, recently for the francophone students wishing be fluent in english. Thing which tally totally with what I research because I devote a commitmente to the english language, for several years.
    Also, I was motived by the recommendation of my english teacher of this year for dare to hope have a place among the pupils whom you receive. I think really to can learn and apply english more often thanks to the History classes in english, for exemple, that you having participed your pupils.
    I am verry motivate and ready to invest myself totally in this section, if you will allow me, because I would wish really be fluent in english just as be in contact with other pupils whom speak english. This is not possible in other colleges.
    Become bilangual constitutes really an advantage in the workplace since I would want to be an astrophysicist which need, from my research, a perfect knowledge of the english language. I am aware of the further work whose this section asks, but I think that my motivation and my investment will be able to cope with it.
    Looking forward to your reply, I am prepared for making the test at the XXXXX, if need be.
    Yours faithfully,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2015 16:42

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