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    Aide / CV

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    Aide / CV
    Message de imkey posté le 02-01-2015 à 23:37:00 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir à vous,
    Je souhaitais solliciter votre aide pour la traduction de mon CV en version anglaise, j'aimerais être corrigé et/ou que les termes utilisés soient les bons, tout comme les tournures de phrases.
    Un grand merci aux personnes qui prendront la peine de m'aider et de me confirmer ce qui est bon ou mauvais

    Single - Belgian - 38 years old
    Client oriented • Rigorous • PRINCE2 Certified • Proactive • Driven by results • Autonomous

    September 2014 – December 2014 : Realization of a complex IT infrastructure in several countries
    Defining the various KPI and monitor them.
    Organize, plan, maintain performance evaluations and coaching for a team of Cloud Consultant.
    Provide to the partners a detailed report on the project’s identified risks and status.
    Coordinate the resources and implied teams, managing the communications between the management and others departments.
    Manage the daily execution of activities, in order to respect the planning and the required quality.
    Establish test procedure and take care of their good execution.
    Active participation at regulars meetings.

    Service desk
    Developing tickets relating to the discovered dysfunctions found in the user guide.
    Quality control of the process and technical solutions brought to the customers by the 1st level operators.
    Transmit the reporting to the appropriate level of management.
    Design custom reports for end users.
    Facilitate the communication between the various departments (Service desk, 2nd Line, Key Users and Service Delivery Managers).

    Helpdesk Collaborator
    Administration, technical and commercial management of the customer’s account and provided IT services.
    Ensure the deployment of solutions for the end users when technical issues are detected regarding their internet connection & phone line.
    Troubleshooting network connectivity issues, hardware device problems and performance issues.
    Logging tickets, dealing with the 2nd line resolution team, and keeping the user informed throughout the life cycle of an incident.
    Monitoring the customer’s services through the appropriate tools such as OCS, TCMS, SingleView, inspector, and others Belgacom’s internal program.

    IT Sales Manager
    Ensure shop and stock maintenance, presentation and organization.
    Elaborate the different product range according the customer’s needs
    Establish positive relationship with residential and commercial customers.
    Document the return of damaged, discontinued or expired products.
    Provide services and installation of Analog and/or IP-based equipment.
    Provide consultancy in installation of end devices such as motion detector, IP camera & CCTV equipment.

    Graduate as Network Administrator (Diplôme d'administrateur réseau et non un graduat)
    Graduate in Management (Je ne sais pas comment dire que j'ai un diplôme de gestion, et non un graduat)

    Trainings (Formations)
    Project Manager IT
    Network systems administration
    Enterprise Management

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2015 09:35

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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