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    The missing vowels/106

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    The missing vowels/106
    Message de marit64 posté le 14-01-2015 à 22:20:26 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This time, the number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

    1- The opposite of "agreeable". ..... (bsgldr)
    2- A person who tells stories. ..... (lrlt)
    3- A high steep rock, especially one facing the sea. ..... (flfc)
    4- A kind of tool used for gripping, bending or cutting wire etc. ..... (lspr)
    5- A synonym of "hate". ..... (tdhr)
    6- To make or become strong or stronger. ..... (ttnnhsgr) 2
    7- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... (rg)
    8- A type of small brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (grgrdb) 4
    9- The opposite of a "full-time" job. ..... (ttp-mr)
    10- An act of making fun of something. ..... (rkmc) 3

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a nice week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de flowermusic, postée le 14-01-2015 à 23:16:03 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    That's my work

    1- The opposite of "agreeable". ..... (bsgldr) disagreeable
    2- A person who tells stories. ..... (lrlt) teller
    3- A high steep rock, especially one facing the sea. ..... (flfc) cliff
    4- A kind of tool used for gripping, bending or cutting wire etc. ..... (lspr) pliers
    5- A synonym of "hate". ..... (tdhr) hatred
    6- To make or become strong or stronger. ..... (ttnnhsgr) 2 strengthen
    7- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... (rg) gore
    8- A type of small brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (grgrdb) 4 budgerigar
    9- The opposite of a "full-time" job. ..... (ttp-mr) part-time
    10- An act of making fun of something. ..... (rkmc) 3 mockery

    Have a nice week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de , postée le 15-01-2015 à 10:30:08 (S | E)
    Hello marit64 ,
    I worked hard and it took me few hours to find the words,all of them this time. Have a nice day.

    1- The opposite of "agreeable". ..... (bsgldr)-Disagreeable.:Grincheux.
    2- A person who tells stories. ..... (lrlt)- Teller.: Conteur.
    3- A high steep rock, especially one facing the sea. ..... (flfc)-Cliff.:Falaise.
    4- A kind of tool used for gripping, bending or cutting wire etc. ..... (lspr)-Pliers.:Tenailles.
    5- A synonym of "hate". ..... (tdhr)-Hatred:Haine.
    6- To make or become strong or stronger. ..... (ttnnhsgr) 2-Strengthen.:Renforcer.
    7- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... (rg)-Gore:Sang coagulé.
    8- A type of small brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (grgrdb) 4-Budgerigar.:Perruche.
    9- The opposite of a "full-time" job. ..... (ttp-mr) -Part-time.:Mi-Temps.
    10- An act of making fun of something. ..... (rkmc) 3-Mockery.:Raillerie.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de headway, postée le 15-01-2015 à 12:14:07 (S | E)
    Hello there

    1- The opposite of "agreeable". ..... Disagreeable.
    2- A person who tells stories. ..... Teller.
    3- A high steep rock, especially one facing the sea. ..... Cliff.
    4- A kind of tool used for gripping, bending or cutting wire etc. ..... Pliers.
    5- A synonym of "hate". ..... Hatred.
    6- To make or become strong or stronger. ..... Strengthen.
    7- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... Gore.
    8- A type of small brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (grgrdb) 4
    9- The opposite of a "full-time" job. ..... Part-time.
    10- An act of making fun of something. ..... Mockery.

    Thank you Marit


    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de swan85, postée le 15-01-2015 à 13:33:30 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- The opposite of "agreeable". Disagreable (bsgldr)
    2- A person who tells stories. Teller (lrlt)
    3- A high steep rock, especially one facing the sea. Cliff (flfc)
    4- A kind of tool used for gripping, bending or cutting wire etc. Pliers (lspr)
    5- A synonym of "hate". Hatred (tdhr)
    6- To make or become strong or stronger. Strengthen (ttnnhsgr) 2
    7- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). Gore (rg)
    8- A type of small brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. Budgerigar (grgrdb) 4
    9- The opposite of a "full-time" job. Part-time (ttp-mr)
    10- An act of making fun of something. Mockery (rkmc) 3

    Thank you and see you soon

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de flowermusic, postée le 16-01-2015 à 08:40:51 (S | E)
    Bonjour chocolatcitron

    Pour le cache, il faut utiliser le point d'interrogation sur fond grisé, là-haut, à droite sous les drapeaux.
    C'est comme une couleur, vous sélectionnez votre texte et le passez au grisé par un clic, comme vous le passez au bleu.

    en grisé masqué , en bleu

    Bonne journée

    Modifié par lucile83 le 17-01-2015 17:24
    Pas de rouge/rose, merci.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de violet91, postée le 17-01-2015 à 20:52:46 (S | E)
    Hello my dear Marit I was worried about ! I had skipped a game, in fact . Right in time thanks to flowermusic which wakes me up ! Anyway , I hope you have completely recovered from your recent hard times and you are not frozen to the bones by Canadian severe cold ! (- 18° / feeling -35 ° with the wind !...) .
    Here is my tonight 's go :

    1 ) disagreeable or unpleasant .
    2 ) a teller like Carroll and Andersen, a Grandma who tells and invents , the ' Tale -tell -heart ' ( Poe) or a fortune- teller I would never visit !
    3 ) this beautiful word : cliff , like Porlock's one where you can spend hours dreaming and watching seabirds
    4 (a pair of) pliers [plz] , how could I know that naturally ? I have no interest in D.I.Y things , Marit
    5 ) a wicked unbearable feeling : hatred [ htrid].
    6 ) to strengthen with spinach !
    7 ) gore( like gore cinema I hate ! )
    8 )budgerigar like Peter the first one I met and lived near , at my lodgers' in London
    9 )a part-time job .
    10 ) mockery which is very nasty too and should be fought and forbidden at school especially .

    Well then , that is it for tonight . Sleep well ,friend , when you go to bed .

    Réponse : The missing vowels/106 de peaceofmind, postée le 18-01-2015 à 08:05:49 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here is my try :

    1) disagreeable
    2) teller
    3) cliff
    4) pliers
    5) hatred
    6) strenghen
    7) gore
    8) budgerigar
    9) part-time
    10) mockery

    Thanks a lot Marit and have a nice week. See you later !


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