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    Oral/Spaces and exchanges

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Oral/Spaces and exchanges
    Message de caminataure posté le 18-02-2015 à 17:02:00 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour, je suis en terminale Littéraire et je prépare mes oraux du Bac. Pourriez-vous me dire quelles sont mes fautes s'il vous plait ?
    Merci d'avance.

    I will speak about the notion of spaces and exchanges by studying this problem: What do the new Americans aspire to? According to the dictionary definition, exchange can appear on many forms: trade, information, and also people. So, the immigration is linked to this notion. The USA is a nation of immigrants. It was the first destination for immigrants in the past, it’s a favorite destination for immigrants today and it may still be the destination number 1 in the future. This notion deals with the spaces occupied by these immigrants. Firstly, I will present the reasons, for the immigrants, to leave their life and to go to the USA. Subsequently, I will speak about the American Dream. Finally, I will speak about the complications, for these immigrants and their integration.

    These immigrants can have a lot of reasons, to leave their life and to go far away in another country. For example, they can want to leave their life because they want to escape from a totalitarian regime or from a war, a crisis... They can want to escape from poverty, to find a better job or a better situation, for them or their family... America offered the opportunity to make a new life in a land that valued liberty. Immigrants hoped to have a better life with a plot of land which was for them a means to survive and become prosperous. Escaping America was not an option; it was a matter of life and death for some immigrants. We studied some characters of this type. We listened to an audio document in which there were three characters, who came to have a better life, a better situation. One of them, called Martin Matoda, came from Bulgaria because he wanted to have a better chance to find a job, he wanted to access the educational sytem. He wanted to find a better job with his degree. Another, called Nick Injows, came from Kenya, because he also wanted to find a better job, because he thought that there were more opportunities in American than in his country. Nevertheless, it’s very hard, for the characters, to leave their life, their country, because, by doing this, they abandon their family, their house, their memories... It’s not simple, for them, and, sometimes, the children or the teenagers left their house whereas they were young. This choice can be selfish. The families and the friends suffer a lot with the departure of their loved one, but, sometimes, the taste for adventure and risk, or fate are stronger than remorse.

    Sometimes, these immigrants leave everything because they want to access the American Dream. The American Dream is the possibility for every immigrant to start from scratch, to succeed whereas he has nothing, just with his courage, his determination. That’s enough and with this he can prosper. It suggests a better life for the future. They hope to access this American Dream. Nevertheless, they may have doubts about their future jobs, maybe they fear they might not find a good job and so not have their chance to access the American Dream.

    Indeed, the integration, for these immigrants, is hard. They are facing a lot of difficulty and struggle. They hope a lot but they can be disappointed, when they arrive, because it’s hard. For example Martin Matoda was hopeful for the future since he got his mba, he was confident he would find a good job with his degree. Yet, with the economical crisis, he didn’t find any job. He feels rather disillusioned and disappointed. He feels frustrated. For Nick Injows, it was also hard, he lost his job three times. But, for him, coming in the USA is a good opportunity, even if he had bad experiences. We studied another document, a picture, which showed student, Nelly Rodriguez, who is an immigrant. With a lot of other students, they have shown for the immigrants' rights. It’s hard, for them, because they are not sure to find a job, after their studies, and to stay in America. They might be deported, be sent back to their native countries. They fear for the future. There are still prejudices against immigrants it’s hard for them to find a job. Their future is uncertain so they can’t make any plan.

    In conclusion, we can say that it's not a harmless action to leave our lives and to escape in another country. It's very difficult, psychologically, and, this can bring hardship. There are immigrants of different types. They can leave their life for a lot of reasons. There are a lot of immigrants in America because it’s one of the richest country of the world. The USA has a policy of integrating immigrants. Even today, the immigrants undergo a lot of prejudices. They don’t have an easy life, whereas the State tries to adjust the problem. It has established some laws so that this new Americans can have the American’s nationality.
    An American policy says that “It is natural, effective and smart for an immigrant integration policy to be implemented by the government that is best able to carry out that integration”. This shows the importance, for the Americans, to integrate the immigrants, the new Americans.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2015 17:18

    Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de bluestar, postée le 19-02-2015 à 18:20:42 (S | E)

    Errors in blue..

    I will speak about the notion of spaces and exchanges by studying this problem: What do the new Americans aspire to? According to the dictionary definition, exchange can appear on many forms: trade, information, and also people. So, the immigration is linked to this notion. The USA is a nation of immigrants. It was the first destination for immigrants in the past, it’s a favorite destination for immigrants today and it may still be the destination number 1 in the future. This notion deals with the spaces occupied by these immigrants. Firstly, I will present the reasons, for the immigrants, to leave their life and to go to the USA. Subsequently, I will speak about the American Dream. Finally, I will speak about the complications, for these immigrants and their integration.

    These immigrants can have a lot of reasons, to leave their life and to go far away in another country. For example, they can want to leave their life because they want to escape from a totalitarian regime or from a war, a crisis... They can want to escape from poverty, to find a better job or a better situation, for them or their family... America offered the opportunity to make a new life in a land that valued liberty. Immigrants hoped to have a better life with a plot of land which was for them a means to survive and become prosperous. Escaping America was not an option; it was a matter of life and death for some immigrants. We studied some characters of this type. We listened to an audio document in which there were three characters, who came to have a better life, a better situation. One of them, called Martin Matoda, came from Bulgaria because he wanted to have a better chance to find a job, he wanted to access the educational sytem. He wanted to find a better job with his degree. Another, called Nick Injows, came from Kenya, because he also wanted to find a better job, because he thought that there were more opportunities in American than in his country. Nevertheless, it’s very hard, for the characters, to leave their life, their country, because, by doing this, they abandon their family, their house, their memories... It’s not simple, for them, and, sometimes, the children or the teenagers left their houses whereas they were young. This choice can be selfish. The families and the friends suffer a lot with the departure of their loved one, but, sometimes, the taste for adventure and risk, or fate are stronger than remorse.


    .."to leave their life lives"

    Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de bluestar, postée le 20-02-2015 à 16:43:07 (S | E)

    A continuer..

    Sometimes, these immigrants leave everything because they want to access the American Dream. The American Dream is the possibility for every immigrant to start from scratch, to succeed whereas he has nothing, just with his courage, his determination. That’s enough and with this he can prosper. It suggests a better life for the future. They hope to access ('realise' est mieux ici)this American Dream. Nevertheless, they may have doubts about their future jobs, maybe they fear they might not find a good job and so not have their chance to access the American Dream. succeed in America

    Indeed, the integration, for these immigrants, is hard. They are facing a lot of difficulty and struggle. They hope a lot but they can be disappointed, when they arrive, because it’s hard. For example Martin Matoda was hopeful for the future since he got his mba (majuscules), he was confident he would find a good job with his degree. Yet, with the economical crisis, he didn’t find any job. He feels rather disillusioned and disappointed. He feels frustrated. For Nick Injows, it was also hard, he lost his job three times. But, for him, coming in the USA is a good opportunity, even if he had bad experiences. We studied another document, a picture, which showed student, Nelly Rodriguez, who is an immigrant. With a lot of other students, they have shown (demonstrated?)for the immigrants' rights. It’s hard, for them, because they are not sure to find a job, after their studies, and to stay in America. They might be deported, be sent back to their native countries. They fear for the future. There are still prejudices against immigrants and it’s hard for them to find a job. Their future is uncertain so they can’t make any plan.

    In conclusion, we can say that it's not a harmless action to leave our lives and to escape in another country. It's very difficult, psychologically, and, this can bring hardship. There are immigrants of different types. They can leave their life(pluriel) for a lot of reasons. There are a lot of immigrants in America because it’s one of the richest country(pluriel) of the world. The USA has a policy of integrating immigrants. Even today, the immigrants undergo a lot of prejudices. They don’t have an easy life, whereas the State tries to adjust the problem. It has established some laws so that this(pluriel) new Americans can have the American’s nationality.
    An American policy says that “It is natural, effective and smart for an immigrant integration policy to be implemented by the government that is best able to carry out that integration”. This shows the importance, for the Americans, to integrate the immigrants, the new Americans.

    Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de caminataure, postée le 22-02-2015 à 12:15:04 (S | E)
    Bonjour ! Merci beaucoup je vais regarder tout ça et je vous enverrai la correction.

    Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de caminataure, postée le 11-03-2015 à 15:20:24 (S | E)
    Bonjour et désolée pour cette (très) tardive correction.

    I will speak about the notion of spaces and exchanges by studying this problem: What do the new Americans aspire to? According to the dictionary definition, exchange can appear in many forms: trade, information, and also people. So, immigration is linked to this notion. The USA is a nation of immigrants. It was the first destination for immigrants in the past, it’s a favorite destination for immigrants today and it may still be the destination number 1 in the future. This notion deals with the spaces occupied by these immigrants. Firstly, I will present the reasons, for the immigrants, to leave their life and to go to the USA. Subsequently, I will speak about the American Dream. Finally, I will speak about the complications for these immigrants and their integration.

    These immigrants can have a lot of reasons, to leave their life and to go far away from another country. For example, they can want to leave their life because they want to escape from a totalitarian regime or from a war, a crisis... They can want to escape from poverty, to find a better job or a better situation, for them or their family... America offered the opportunity to make a new life in a land that valued liberty. Immigrants hoped to have a better life with a plot of land which was for them a means to survive and become prosperous. Escaping America was not an option; it was a matter of life and death for some immigrants. We studied some characters of this type. We listened to an audio document in which there were three characters, who came to have a better life, a better situation. One of them, called Martin Matoda, came from Bulgaria because he wanted to have a better chance to find a job, he wanted to access the educational sytem. He wanted to find a better job with his degree. Another, called Nick Injows, came from Kenya, because he also wanted to find a better job, because he thought that there were more opportunities in American than in his country. Nevertheless, it’s very hard, for the characters, to leave their life, their country, because, by doing this, they abandon their family, their house, their memories... It’s not simple, for them, and, sometimes, children or teenagers left their houses when they were young. This choice can be selfish. The families and the friends suffer a lot with the departure of their loved one, but, sometimes, the taste for adventure and risk, or fate are stronger than remorse.
    Sometimes, these immigrants leave everything because they want to access the American Dream. The American Dream is the possibility for every immigrant to start from scratch, to succeed while he has nothing, just with his courage, his determination. That’s enough and with this he can prosper. It suggests a better life for the future. They hope to realise this American Dream. Nevertheless, they may have doubts about their future jobs, maybe they fear they might not find a good job and so not have their chance to succeed in America.

    Indeed, integration, for these immigrants, is hard. They are facing a lot of difficulty and struggle. They hope a lot but they can be disappointed, when they arrive, because it’s hard. For example Martin Matoda was hopeful for the future since he got his MBA, he was confident he would find a good job with his degree. Yet, with the economic crisis, he didn’t find any job. He feels rather disillusioned and disappointed. He feels frustrated. For Nick Injows, it was also hard, he lost his job three times. But, for him, coming to the USA is a good opportunity, even if he had bad experiences. We studied another document, a picture, which showed student, Nelly Rodriguez, who is an immigrant. With a lot of other students, they have demonstrated for immigrants' rights. It’s hard, for them, because they are not sure to find a job, after their studies, and to stay in America. They might be deported, be sent back to their native countries. They fear for the future. There are still prejudices against immigrants and it’s hard for them to find a job. Their future is uncertain so they can’t make any plan.

    In conclusion, we can say that it's not a harmless action to leave our lives and to escape from another country. It's very difficult, psychologically, and, this can bring hardship. There are immigrants of different types. They can leave their lives, for a lot of reasons. There are a lot of immigrants in America because it’s one of the richest countries of the world. The USA has a policy of integrating immigrants. Even today, the immigrants undergo a lot of prejudices. They don’t have an easy life, while the State tries to adjust the problem. It has established some laws so that these new Americans can have American citizenship.
    An American policy says that “It is natural, effective and smart for an immigrant integration policy to be implemented by the government that is best able to carry out that integration”. This shows the importance, for the Americans, to integrate the immigrants, the new Americans.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2015 17:55
    Pas de rouge sur les forums, merci.

    Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de caminataure, postée le 25-03-2015 à 19:59:14 (S | E)
    Il n'y a donc plus d'erreurs ?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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