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    The missing vowels/113

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    The missing vowels/113
    Message de marit64 posté le 04-03-2015 à 22:38:45 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is only given in 2 out of 10 answers.

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. ..... (npw)
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. ..... (krlwn)
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. ..... (htttwgr) 3
    4- To cancel until a future time. .... (tpnps)
    5- A synonym of "foolish". ..... (lsl)
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. ..... (tlnnggh) 4
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (rndw)
    8- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnb)
    9- Not deep. ..... (lswlh)
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. ..... (rbn)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de flowermusic, postée le 05-03-2015 à 00:56:34 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Not at home but not to late to give my answers before ...

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. ..... (npw) pawn
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. ..... (krlwn) wrinkle
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. ..... (htttwgr) 3 watertight
    4- To cancel until a future time. .... (tpnps) postpone
    5- A synonym of "foolish". ..... (lsl) silly
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. ..... (tlnnggh) 4 nightingale
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (rndw) drown
    8- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnb) numb
    9- Not deep. ..... (lswlh) shallow
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. ..... (rbn) nearby

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de , postée le 05-03-2015 à 01:39:51 (S | E)
    Hi Marit

    Here is my work .Good evening.

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. ..... (npw)-Pawn.--Mettre en gage.
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. ..... (krlwn)Wrinkle.--Ride.
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. ..... (htttwgr) 3 -Watertight.--Étanche.
    4- To cancel until a future time. .... (tpnps)-Postpone.--Reporter.
    5- A synonym of "foolish". ..... (lsl) -Silly.--Idiot.
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. ..... (tlnnggh) 4 -Nightingale.--Rossignol.
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (rndw)-Drown.--Noyer.
    8- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnb) -Numb.--Engourdi.
    9- Not deep. ..... (lswlh) -Shallow.--Peu profond.
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. ..... (rbn)-Nearby.--À proximité.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de peaceofmind, postée le 05-03-2015 à 08:01:50 (S | E)
    Hello Marit, Flowermusic, afarodj,

    Here is my try :

    1) pawn
    2) wrinkle
    3) watertight
    4) postpone
    5) silly
    6) Nightingale
    7) drown
    8) numb
    9) shallow
    10) nearby

    Thanks a lot again Marit for this new exercise.
    Enjoy a nice week. See you later!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de headway, postée le 05-03-2015 à 12:14:49 (S | E)
    Hello there Marit

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. ..... Pawn.
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. ..... Wrinkle.
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. ..... Watertight.
    4- To cancel until a future time. .... Postpone.
    5- A synonym of "foolish". ..... Silly.
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. .....Nightingale.
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... Drown.
    8- Not able to feel or move. ..... Numb.
    9- Not deep. ..... Shallow.
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. ..... Nearby.

    Thank you Marit


    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de violet91, postée le 06-03-2015 à 19:57:18 (S | E)
    Hello very dear Marit,
    There I am at last , free for a moment. I hope you are as well and happy as a pretty daffodil come out , ' fluttering and dancing in the '(nearest)spring 'breeze '! Are you ' tossing your head ', friend ?

    Here is my go :
    1 )to pawn [pn]
    2 )any wrinkle with anti-aging stuff? Oh! No, no,no, or ever so little!
    3 )watertight
    4 )to postpone and you can enjoy it more!Do you know what Georges Clémenceau wrote about love : the best of it is 'walking up the stairs'
    5 )silly like silly Billy!
    6 )Juliet's nightingale, or your sister Nurse Florence( London)
    7 )before stabbing his mother Agrippina to death , Nero tried to drown her after poisoning her three times!
    8 )numb[nm]like fingers and toes after skiing for long
    9 )shallow as the ford (le gué)in Bourton-on the water you can stand in ,knee deep or less.
    10 nearby or round the corner.

    Have a lovely weekend , dear all and you too, our favourite French Canadian here ! ...

    Modifié par lucile83 le 07-03-2015 18:44

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de swan85, postée le 09-03-2015 à 20:33:47 (S | E)

    Hellow Marit

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. Pawn (npw)
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. Wrinkle (krlwn)
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. Watertight (htttwgr) 3
    4- To cancel until a future time. Postpone (tpnps)
    5- A synonym of "foolish". Silly (lsl)
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. Nightingale (tlnnggh) 4
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. Drown (rndw)
    8- Not able to feel or move. Numb (mnb)
    9- Not deep. Shallow (lswlh)
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. Nearby (rbn)

    Thank you again for this new topic.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de , postée le 10-03-2015 à 14:25:24 (S | E)
    Hello ,
    Here is my try:

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. Pawn
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. Wrinkle
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. Watertight
    4- To cancel until a future time. Postpone
    5- A synonym of "foolish". Silly
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. Nightingale
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die . Drown
    8- Not able to feel or move. Numb
    9- Not deep. Shallow
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. Nearby

    Thank you

    Réponse : The missing vowels/113 de phnad, postée le 12-03-2015 à 18:37:52 (S | E)

    Hi Marit ! Without thinking a lot, tit for tat !

    1- To give an article of value to a pawnbroker in exchange for money which may be repaid at a later time to get the article back. ..... (npw)
    2- A small crease on the skin usually on one's face. ..... (krlwn)
    3- Made in such a way that water cannot pass through. ..... (htttwgr) 3
    4- To cancel until a future time. .... (tpnps) to postpone
    5- A synonym of "foolish". ..... (lsl) silly
    6- A type of small bird with a beautiful song. ..... (tlnnggh) 4 a nightingale
    7- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (rndw) to drawn
    8- Not able to feel or move. ..... (mnb)
    9- Not deep. ..... (lswlh) shallow
    10- Close to here or the place mentioned. ..... (rbn) nearby

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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