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    Bac/ Idée de progrès

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Bac/ Idée de progrès
    Message de antoniera posté le 13-04-2015 à 09:26:31 (S | E | F)
    I would like to have some help in order to correct my preparation of the notion called ''Idea of progress''.
    Thank you very much for any answer!

    The myth is a fabulous story that can contain a moral. Finally, a myth often involves several wonderful characters such as gods, animals, angels and demons, and the existence of other worlds. Then, according to the dictionary, a hero is a demigod and he stands out by his actions and shows great courage. A hero can be the main character in a story.
    Now, I will illustrate this notion with differents documents which we have seen in class. During this presentation we will follow this problematic: What is the vision of the American Dream outside the frontiers ?
    In first, we will try to make the link between a cartoon callled Dreamland, and in the a second time we will explain with an article which appeared in the New York Time, is called "I still believe in the American Dream".

    The American Dream is a set of ideals which includes success, freedom, and a social ladder climbing achieved through hard working. The American Dream is rooted in the declaration of independance which proclaims "all men are created equal". It promise a richer and happier life for all citizens from USA.
    In this cartoon Dreamland, we can see many icons which represents the American Dream. Icons like the famous Coca-Cola bottle which is in the hand of "lady liberty". There is also the Empire State Building of America, which is a great symbol of the american hegemony.
    Elvis Presley is also represented, because he is one of those who propagate the american way of life in the world, but him, with his music.
    The characteres who are in this cartoon seem like heroes, and make a sort of attraction in the onlooker. All of theses icons have the same mission, which is: bewitch the world.

    The article "I still believe in the American dream" is a report from a foreign called Farred Zacharia who has Indians origins. He guess this is in India where borned the notion of American Dream in approximately the 1970's. Because in India, everybody watch the americans TV shows where there are all of the icons which we have enunciated previously. This is in these country where the poverty is so high than we can observe a great attracting from the American Dream, because the USA sells a ideal built from a pictures sum of happiness. Everything seem so dazzling in the American Dream.

    So, to conclude, we can say that, the American Dream it a product which is distributed thanks to all of the communication tools. Like in the TV where there are many american TV shows wherein appear the american ideals which promise you a great future, and lot of money. But again on the radio, where you can listening american music, whose the words create in you the wish to come in the USA. At the end, the American Dream is like a propaganda about the american way life.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2015 11:58

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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