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    The missing vowels/121

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    The missing vowels/121
    Message de marit64 posté le 29-04-2015 à 23:38:42 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    One number has the amount of vowels.

    1- A mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night. ..... (tb)
    2- To show doubt, lack of interest by raising the shoulders. ..... (rsgh)
    3- A thin bubble on the skin, containing liquid. ..... (tbsrl)
    4- A piece of thin cloth worn over the face or head to hide, cover, or protect it. ..... (lv)
    5- In the third place. ..... (dhrlt)
    6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk)
    7- A type of tree that grows in India, Malaysia, Burma etc. ..... (kt)
    8- To walk in an uneven manner (usually because one has hurt one's foot or leg). ..... (mlp)
    9- A tiny piece, especially of bread. ..... (mrbc)
    10- The tiny vessels that join veins to arteries. ..... (lsrclp) 5

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/121 de flowermusic, postée le 30-04-2015 à 00:05:53 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Here we are, and always with great pleasure

    1- A mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night. ..... (tb) bat
    2- To show doubt, lack of interest by raising the shoulders. ..... (rsgh) shrug
    3- A thin bubble on the skin, containing liquid. ..... (tbsrl) blister
    4- A piece of thin cloth worn over the face or head to hide, cover, or protect it. ..... (lv) veil
    5- In the third place. ..... (dhrlt) thirdly
    6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk) knot
    7- A type of tree that grows in India, Malaysia, Burma etc. ..... (kt) après réflexion teak
    8- To walk in an uneven manner (usually because one has hurt one's foot or leg). ..... (mlp) limp
    9- A tiny piece, especially of bread. ..... (mrbc) crumb
    10- The tiny vessels that join veins to arteries. ..... (lsrclp) 5 capillaries

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/121 de , postée le 30-04-2015 à 16:32:57 (S | E)
    Hi my dear Marit

    Here are the words I have found their right vowels and watched out this time none is an anagram.

    1- A mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night. ..... (tb).- Bat.- Chauve-souris.
    2- To show doubt, lack of interest by raising the shoulders. ..(rsgh). - Shrug. - Hausser les épaules.
    3- A thin bubble on the skin, containing liquid. ...(tbsrl). - Blister. - Cloque. -
    4- A piece of thin cloth worn over the face or head to hide, cover, or protect it. ...(lv). - Veil. - Voile
    5- In the third place. ... (dhrlt). - Thirdly. - Troisièmement.
    6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. . (ntk). - Knot. - Noeud.
    7- A type of tree that grows in India, Malaysia, Burma etc. ..... (kt). - Teak. - Teck.
    8- To walk in an uneven manner (usually because one has hurt one's foot or leg). ..... (mlp) . - Limp. - Boiter.
    9- A tiny piece, especially of bread. ..... (mrbc). - Crumb.- Miette.
    10- The tiny vessels that join veins to arteries. ..... (lsrclp) 5. - Capillaries. - Capillaires.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/121 de , postée le 30-04-2015 à 20:36:05 (S | E)

    Hello Marit

    Here is my try

    1- A mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night. Bat
    2- To show doubt, lack of interest by raising the shoulders. Shrug
    3- A thin bubble on the skin, containing liquid. Blister
    4- A piece of thin cloth worn over the face or head to hide, cover, or protect it. Veil
    5- In the third place. Thirdly
    6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. Knot
    7- A type of tree that grows in India, Malaysia, Burma etc.Teak
    8- To walk in an uneven manner (usually because one has hurt one's foot or leg). Limp
    9- A tiny piece, especially of bread. Crumb
    10- The tiny vessels that join veins to arteries. Capillaries

    Thank you

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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