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    Help/cost of living

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Help/cost of living
    Message de jangoraka28 posté le 02-05-2015 à 21:24:39 (S | E | F)
    Could you help me to correct my writing please?
    Thank you for your answers.

    Actually, the cost of living in Madagascar is increase day by day. It is not easy for people to get money, they're obligate to work hard if not they're not eat. Everyday, many peoples doesn't eat enough because the price of food in the market is very very expensive.
    In my point of view the origin of these problems is from the policy government which is in bad situation, in bad organisation.
    The leader in this nation doesn't care about the Malagasy citizen, they don't know that themselve that's why the majority of Malagasy people are poor.
    I think many peoples is unemployd in this nation, thousand childrens doesn't go to school and many familys doesn't have a house to living but they stay on the way and they live like in hell.
    That makes me sad, I ask myself when will all the Malagasy people open his eys to check out and solve these problems?

    Edited by lucile83 on 02-05-2015 22:01

    Réponse: Help/cost of living de gerondif, postée le 02-05-2015 à 23:38:11 (S | E)
    quite a few mistakes in fact.
    mistakes in blue, corrctions in green
    Actually(means in reality, not at the moment), the cost of living in Madagascar is increase(S) day by day. It is not easy for people to get money, they're obligate to work hard if not they're not eat. Everyday, many peoples doesn't eat(people is plural) enough because the price of food in the market is very very expensive.(no, the food is expensive, not its price! You don't pay a lot for the ink or the label or the figures)

    In my point of view the origin of these problems is comes from the policy government(the other way around) which is in bad situation, in bad organisation.(clumsy)
    The leader in this nation doesn't care about the Malagasy citizen, they don't know that themselves, that's why the majority of Malagasy people are poor.
    I think many peoples is unemployed in this nation, thousands of childrens(one child, two children) doesn't(plural) go to school and many familys( a baby, two babies...) doesn't(plural) have a house to living(to live in) but they stay on the way (not clear) and they live like as if they were in hell.
    That makes me sad, I ask myself (I wonder) when all the Malagasy people will open(indirect speech) his(plural) eyes to check out and solve these problems? I wonder why is an affirmative form

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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