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    Oral/ Places and forms of power

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    Oral/ Places and forms of power
    Message de isasa18 posté le 03-05-2015 à 16:37:54 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,
    voici mon exposé pour l'oral du Bac d'anglais, je voudrais avoir des avis et également savoir si ma grammaire et la tournure des phrases sont correctes.
    Merci d'avance

    I'm going to talk about « Places and from of power ». To begin, I would like to give a definition of power. Power is a source of political, social and personal integration. Power is present in all relationships. It is both a source of integration and conflict creator.
    In English this year, we studied several documents related to the notion of places and forms of power. I have chosen to speack about two documents, first, a text entitled Learning, and secondly a video about Malala Yousafzai.
    I have chosen these documents because I would like to answer the quesion :When we fight for the equality of the rights, how the power shows itself?

    The first document I have chosen is a text about slavery. The author is Hannah Craft and she is the narrrator. The scene takes place in the south of the USA at the time of slavery. Hannah was a young slave and she describes her life. She was working in the house whereas the other slaves worked in the field and their labour was difficult. Hannah had the right to play but she prefered steal away and ponder over some books. She had a great appetite for school and for knowledge, though it was strictly forbidden indeed her master never permitted his slaves to be taught.
    In the second part of the text, Hannah explains how her dreams was realized. One day, Hannah was trying to read a book under a tree when she saw an old woman. The old lady wanted to help Hannah but it was forbidden to teach black slaves because the master's anger would be terrible. So the lady was veru courageous. We can suppose the lady supported the movement for the abolition of slavery.

    The second document is a video of BBC new report. The main topic is Malala Yousafzai when she was the victim of a terrorist attack in Pakistan at the age of 14. In this video, we can see Malala is seriously injured and taken away in ambulance, after that, we see Malala at the age of 11 in her classroom when she started to stand up for girl right to go to school. The Talibans tried to kill her, there are a group of Muslim extremists, they attack Malala and shot her because she insisted that girls have right to go to school. In 2009, The Talibans took control of the valley where she lived and next they tried to impose a ban of girl's education.

    To conclude, the power is everywhere and under various forms. It shows itself in various ways. The emblematics forms of power are the authorities, the government, the politics because they choose, command or govern the population. The power is sometimes badly used, as for example the slavery or the Talibans who they used their force and their arms for figthing Malala. The power can cause inegalities in the world and separate the populations.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2015 17:20

    Réponse: Oral/ Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 03-05-2015 à 18:36:37 (S | E)
    It is both a source of integration and conflict creator.

    I have chosen to speack (orthographe) about two documents, first, a text entitled Learning, and secondly a video about Malala Yousafzai.

    I have chosen these documents because I would like to answer the quesion :When we fight for the equality of the rights, how the power shows itself? Structure d'une question: MOT INTERRO + AUX DO CONJUGUE + SUJET + VERBE A L'INFINITIF

    Hannah was a young slave and she describes (temps) her life. She was working in the house whereas the other slaves worked(simultanéité des 2 actions donc utilise le PRETERIT BE+-ING) in the field (pluriel) and their labour was difficult. Hannah had the right to play but she prefered steal (gérondif) away and ponder over some books.

    In the second part of the text, Hannah explains how her dreams was (conjugaison) realized.

    The second document is a video of (from) BBC new report.
    In this video, we can see (that)Malala is seriously injured and taken away in ambulance, after that, we see Malala at the age of 11 in her classroom when she started to stand up for girl (the girls') right to go to school. The Talibans tried to kill her, there are (temps) a group of Muslim extremists, they attack (temps) Malala and shot her because she insisted that girls (to) have (the)right to go to school.

    The power is sometimes badly used, as for example the slavery or the Talibans who they used their force and their arms for (TO + INF) figthing Malala. The power can cause inegalities (ce mot n'existe pas) in the world and separate the populations.

    Réponse: Oral/ Places and forms of power de isasa18, postée le 03-05-2015 à 19:00:35 (S | E)
    When we fight for the equality of the rights, how doing the power show itself ?

    Hannah was a young slave and she describes (temps) her life. She was working in the house whereas the other slaves working in the fields and their labour was difficult. Hannah had the right to play but she prefered stealing away and ponder? over some books.

    The power is sometimes badly used, as for example the slavery or the Talibans who they used their force and their arms for (TO + INF) figthing Malala. ( Je ne comprends pas les temps ? )
    The power can cause inequalities

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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