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    Correction/ Lettre motivation

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Correction/ Lettre motivation
    Message de chloeemm posté le 06-05-2015 à 17:11:32 (S | E | F)
    je suis étudiante en tourisme et je recherche un stage à l'étranger. Cependant je ne suis pas bilingue,ma lettre ne peut donc pas être parfaite, quelqu'un peut-il la corriger svp s'il vous plait ?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Object : Spontaneous application

    Dear Sir,
    I am writing to you as I am looking for a work placment for 12 weeks starting on the 1st of September. I am currently at 1st year student at ESTHUA, the faculty of Tourism & Hotel Management at the University of Angers, in France and I wish to carry out my work placement in the Hotel sector.
    I believe that by training with you and your team, I would gain invaluable skills and acquire the necessary skills in hotel management. I can bring to your hotel, my skills of welcoming and listening to customers. I also have a good level of English & this would allow me to welcome & communicate with guests more easily.
    I am a very organised person. I am also very rigoureuse and dynamic. I can adapt easily to any situation and this would allow me to easily integrate your team. I think that your hotel could benefit from my experience. I would really appreciate the opportunity to work in your company, because I think it'll be the best way to improve my English, and to discover a new way of living in Dubai.
    Please find enclose my Curriculum Vitae which give you full details.
    I remain at your entire disposal for any futher information.
    Yours faithfully

    Edited by lucile83 on 06-05-2015 17:45

    Réponse: Correction/ Lettre motivation de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 17:45:28 (S | E)
    not many mistakes, as far as I can see

    Object : Spontaneous application

    Dear Sir,
    I am writing to you as I am looking for a work placement for 12 weeks starting on the 1st of September. I am currently a 1st year student at ESTHUA, the faculty of Tourism & Hotel Management at the University of Angers, in France and I wish to carry out my work placement in the Hotel sector.
    I believe that by training with you and your team, I would gain invaluable skills and acquire the necessary skills in hotel management. I can bring to your hotel, my skills of welcoming and listening to customers. I also have a good level of English and this would allow me to welcome and communicate with guests more easily.
    I am a very organised person. I am also very rigoureuse(double click on the word to have a translation in a dictioanry) and dynamic. I can adapt easily to any situation and this would allow me to easily integrate your team. I think that your hotel could benefit from my experience. I would really appreciate the opportunity to work in your company, because I think it'll be the best way to improve my English, and to discover a new way of living in Dubai.
    Please find enclose(past participle) my Curriculum Vitae which give (simple present, third person = S) you full details.
    I remain at your entire disposal for any futher information.
    Yours faithfully

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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