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    Spaces and exchanges/Bac

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Spaces and exchanges/Bac
    Message de clounulentout posté le 08-05-2015 à 14:28:30 (S | E | F)
    je suis en terminale STMG option ressources humaines et communication. Je suis en train de préparer mes oraux d'anglais pour le Bac et j'aurais besoin d'une correction car l'anglais n'est pas mon point
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    I will speak advertising for the theme of spaces and exchanges. Advertising allows to promote products, servcies and brands or to save lives thanks to prenvention campaigns. How advertising participates to trade in the world ? We will see methods then limits that advertising have to trade in the world.
    First, ads find many espace: for instance in the street, in store, in the boxes letters, on the radio or television. More and more consumers use the Internet so advertisers have developed online advertising.These different means of communication exchanged between countries, we speak globalization.
    But ads are too many and it's annoying.
    Moreover advertisers are misleading and their ads are lie. They want only to attract people but it's a trap: if people believe it, they spend money. Advertisers suggest taht their products is indispensable, that it's the most popular. For me, if the product is really the most popular, you don't need ads !
    Thanks to globalization, we can find on the social networks ads which from other countries who languages, image and beliefs are different from one country to another, messages do not transfer correctly and the impact on consumers is negative.

    To conclude, ads participate globalisation as they are everywhere. I think it good that ads eb exchange in the worlld when it's quality products and honest brand and prevention campaign. But it's evil when there is too much ads which promise the same thing

    Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2015 14:33

    Réponse: Spaces and exchanges/Bac de laure95, postée le 09-05-2015 à 16:54:44 (S | E)
    I will speak (about) advertising for the theme of spaces and exchanges. Advertising allows to promote products, servcies (orthographe) and brands or to save lives thanks to prenvention (faute de frappe?)[/ bleu] campaigns. How advertising participates to trade in the world (mal construit: MOT INTERRO + DOES + SUJET + VERBE A L'INFINITIF) ? We will see the methods then limits that advertising have (conjugaison) to trade in the world.
    First, ads find many espace (MANY + PLURIEL, espace: mot français) : for instance in the street, in store, in the boxes letters (letter boxes), on the radio or television.

    But ads are too many (numerous) and it's annoying.
    They want only to attract people but it's a trap: if people believe in it, they spend money. Advertisers suggest taht their products is (conjugaison) indispensable, that it's the most popular.

    Thanks to globalization, we can find on the social networks ads which from other countries who languages, image and beliefs are different from one country to another, messages do not transfer correctly and the impact on consumers is negative.

    To conclude, ads participate in globalisation as they are everywhere. I think it (pas de verbe) good that ads eb exchange in the worlld when it's quality products (mal dit) and honest brand and prevention campaign. But it's evil when there is(conjugaison) too much (MUCH + SING) ads which promise the same thing

    Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 17:29
    Bug couleur réparé

    Réponse: Spaces and exchanges/Bac de clounulentout, postée le 10-05-2015 à 14:17:56 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup, j'ai corrigé mon texte

    I will speak about advertising for the theme of spaces and exchanges. Advertising allows to promote products, services and brands or to save lives thanks to prevention campaigns. How does advertising participate to trade in the world ? We will see the methods then limits that advertising are to trade in the world.
    First, ads find many spaces: for instance in the street, in store, in the letter boxes, on the radio or television.

    But ads are too numerous and it's annoying.
    They want only to attract people but it's a trap: if people believe in it, they spend money. Advertisers suggest that their products are indispensable, that it's the most popular.

    Thanks to globalization, we can find on the social networks ads which from other countries who languages, image and beliefs are different from one country to another, messages do not transfer correctly and the impact on consumers is negative.

    To conclude, ads participate in globalisation as they are everywhere. I think it's good that ads exchange in the worlld if products are quality products and honest brand and prevention campaign. But it's evil when there are too important ads which promise the same thing

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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