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    Bac/lieux et forme de pouvoir

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Bac/lieux et forme de pouvoir
    Message de juliettelmpo posté le 10-05-2015 à 15:54:00 (S | E | F)
    je passe mardi mon oral d'anglais pour le Bac et si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger et me dire ce que vous pensez de mon texte ce serait génial!
    Merci pour votre aide.

    I'm going to talk about the places and forms of power. First I would like to give a definition of this notion. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. My notion deals with the gun and we can ask why the right to bear arms make debate?

    First, I chose a text that tells a story that has happened in 2014. It was a boy of 12 years old child, who was playing with a very realistic fake gun in a park. The people believed that it was a real pistol so they have called the police because the boy was potentially dangerous. The police are arrived and asked at the boy to left his gun but like he played he don't understand so the policeman shot him. After, there is a manifestation and polemics because the little boy was African-American and the policeman was white, he was accused of being racist.

    Secondly, I chose a campaign which is against weapons so that in particular the stories as that there stop. This is a poster which was published by the Brandy Campaign. It must be part of a publicity campaign against gun violence in the USA .We can see statistics showing the number of people killed annually due to gun crime in various countries around the world. There is also a slogan which reads « God Bless America ». Just below they put an image of a revolver decorated in the American flag. There is also a campaign logo in the bottom left-hand corner of the poster to discourage the use of guns in the United States. The campaigners goals are to highlight the severity of the matter of gun crime in the United States in particular. They raise awareness among Americans that there are for more deaths by firearms in their country than elsewhere. And make people want to join their campaign. The target audience of the poster in the American public. I know this because guns are a big part of American culture which is demonstrated by the significantly higher statistic.

    Finally we go to see that some are for carrying weapons for example in class we saw an interview with a rapper. The rapper named Ice T and he's for the carrying of weapons in the United States. He explains that this is part of the constitution, the USA is based on guns. For him it's necessary because have a gun is our last defence against tyranny and he says that it's not for hunting, it's to protect yourself from the police. He thinks if men want to kill someone they don't need a gun, you can strap explosives to your body, it's not easier to kill someone with a gun so it's not gonna change anything.

    In conclusion, we can see that everyone is not the same opinion, everyone has their own arguments, it thus causes debates.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2015 16:08

    Réponse: Bac/lieux et forme de pouvoir de gerondif, postée le 10-05-2015 à 17:34:35 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
    I'm going to talk about the places and forms of power. First I would like to give a definition of this notion. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. My notion deals with the guns and we can ask why the right to bear arms makes debate?

    First, I chose a text that tells a story that has happened in 2014. It was a boy of 12 years old child, who was playing with a very realistic fake gun in a park. The people believed that it was a real pistol so they have called the police because the boy was potentially dangerous. The police are arrived and asked at the boy to left(infinitif, to drop: lâcher) his gun but like(comme ici n'est pas une comparaison, utilisez l'autre (2 lettres) he played (mettez un prétérit en ing, he don't(prétérit en did) understand so the policeman shot him. Afterwards, there is(prétérit) a manifestation(mot français) and polemics because the little boy was African-American and the policeman was white, he was accused of being racist.

    Secondly, I chose a campaign which is against weapons so that in particular the stories as that there stop(sens???). This is a poster which was published by the Brandy(Brandy l'alcool?) ou Brady??) Campaign. It must be part of a publicity campaign against gun violence in the USA .We can see statistics showing the number of people killed annually due to gun crimes in various countries around the world. There is also a slogan which reads « God Bless America ». Just below they put an image of a revolver decorated in the American flag. There is also a campaign logo in the bottom left-hand corner of the poster to discourage the use of guns in the United States. The campaigners' goals are to highlight the severity of the matter of gun crime in the United States in particular. They raise awareness among Americans that there are far more deaths by firearms in their country than elsewhere. And make people want to join their campaign. The target audience of the poster inIS the American public. I know this because guns are a big part of American culture which is demonstrated by the significantly higher statistics.

    Finally we go to see that some are for carrying weapons for example in class we saw an interview with a rapper. The rapper is named Ice T and he's for the carrying of weapons in the United States. He explains that this is part of the constitution, the USA is based on guns. For him it's necessary because having a gun is our last defence against tyranny and he says that it's not for hunting, it's to protect yourself from the police. He thinks if men want to kill someone they don't need a gun, you can strap explosives to your body, it's not easier to kill someone with a gun so it's not gonna change anything.( en fait si, appuyer sur une détente d'arme à feu demande moins de volonté qu'un autre moyen de tuer ou de se tuer)

    In conclusion, we can see that everyone is not the(soit is not of, soit doesn't have) same opinion, everyone has their own arguments, it thus causes debates.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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