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    Bac/Places and forms of power

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    Bac/Places and forms of power
    Message de milicha posté le 16-05-2015 à 16:29:16 (S | E | F)
    je passe mon oral lundi et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait beaucoup de fautes.
    Merci par avance pour votre aide.

    Well, i'm going to speak about the " places and forms of power".
    First let me try and give a simple definition of this notion. Power is the capacity to have some control over a place or people lawfully or by force.
    I'd like to illustrate this notion through an interesting topic, namely death penalty and right to bear arms.
    Thus we may wonder what extent the united states distinguish oneself from member countries of the europeans union in the application of power.
    I've chosen to divide my presentation into 2 parts. Effectively, in a first part, i will concentrate on right to bear arms. And my last part will about death penalty.

    In united states, the right to keep and bear arms is a culture. Indeed, in 1700s ( one thousand seven hundred) americans who were the white people, were frightened of indiens and black people, so much that they had guns. They lived all with arms in order to be safe. Consequently, The second amendment was written for that everybody, to keep his gun.
    That's why, they are several country in united states of america who have a right to bear arms.
    We have seen a video named " getting a gun in colorado " where a journalist explained the laws in colorado for get a gun.
    First of all, every body can get a gun, as long as they are 18 years old.
    Moreover, the permit is not necessary, to bought or carry a long gun, rifles or a shotgunes.
    However, automatic guns or militaries skiff are forbidden.
    So in united states of america, the gun is an object of daily life. Whereas member countries of the europeans forbid to have guns.
    The united states of american distinguish themselves with death penalty too.

    Indeed, the death penalty in the United States is a legal sentence in 32 states. Its application is limited by the Eighth Amendment.This penalty is a punishment for felonies.
    The most common method since 1976 has been lethal injection. the prisoner sentenced to death spends approximately the last six hours of his life in the holding cell.
    Then he is positioned and strapped on a gurney in the lethal injection room.
    There are a viewing room for the family of the inmate, for the family of the victim and for the media and witnesses.
    In class, we took an interest, about death row in harrisburg.
    There are 18 prisons and 9 death rows.
    In harrisburg, The prisoner stays for years because of appeals and new trials in prison. And there is, One prisoner in each cell.

    To conclude, i can say that death penalty and right to bear arms play important role in the united states of america .
    That's why it distinguish themselves from europe.
    However i find that that, put a lot of problem and raise several discussion between american

    Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2015 16:47

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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