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    The missing vowels/126

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    The missing vowels/126
    Message de marit64 posté le 04-06-2015 à 00:33:10 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week the number of vowels is still given in 5 out of 10 answers.

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (gdrrrmn) 5
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. ..... (gsnrt)
    3- The condition of not being present. ..... (scbn)
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. ..... (kl) 1
    5- A small round swelling on the skin. ..... (lpmp)
    6- A synonym of "to stew". ..... (mrsm) 2
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in which sperm is produced. ..... (ctslt)
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. ..... (pts)
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (wrds) 2
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. ..... (sd) 3

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de flowermusic, postée le 04-06-2015 à 08:53:44 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    Time for coffee and for your words

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (gdrrrmn) 5 merry-go-round
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. ..... (gsnrt) sturgeon
    3- The condition of not being present. ..... (scbn) absence
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. ..... (kl) 1 elk
    5- A small round swelling on the skin. ..... (lpmp) pimple
    6- A synonym of "to stew". ..... (mrsm) 2 simmer
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in shich sperm is produced. ..... (ctslt) testicle
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. ..... (pts) autopsy
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (wrds) 2 drowsy
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. ..... (sd) 3 daisy

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de , postée le 04-06-2015 à 12:04:10 (S | E)
    Hi my dear Marit.

    Here is my new try. Have a nice day Marit

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. ..... (gdrrrmn) 5. - Merry-go-round.- Manège.
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. ..... (gsnrt) .- Sturgeon.- Esturgeon.
    3- The condition of not being present. ..... (scbn) . - Absence. - Absence.
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. ..... (kl) 1 . - Elk. - Élan.
    5- A small round swelling on s skin. ..... (lpmp). -
    6- A synonym of "to stew". ..... (mrsm) 2 . - Simmer. - Mijoter.
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in shich sperm is produced. ..... (ctslt) . - Testicle. - Testicule.
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. ..... (pts) . - Autopsy. - Autopsie.
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". ..... (wrds) 2. - Drowsy. - Somnolence.
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. ..... (sd) 3. - Daisy. - Marguerite.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de , postée le 04-06-2015 à 17:02:48 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Thak you for this new one

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair.Merry go round
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. Sturgeon
    3- The condition of not being present. Absence
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. Elk
    5- A small round swelling on the skin. Pimple
    6- A synonym of "to stew". Simmer
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in shich sperm is produced. Testicle
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. Autopsy
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". Drowsy
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. Daisy

    Have a nice day

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de swan85, postée le 07-06-2015 à 16:07:42 (S | E)

    Hello Marit

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. Merry-go-round (gdrrrmn) 5
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. Sturgeon (gsnrt)
    3- The condition of not being present. Absence(scbn)
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. Elk (kl) 1
    5- A small round swelling on the skin. Pimple (lpmp)
    6- A synonym of "to stew". Simmer (mrsm) 2
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in which sperm is produced. Testicle (ctslt)
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. Autopsy (pts)
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". Drowsy (wrds) 2
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. Daisy (sd) 3

    Thank you Marit for these various words.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de violet91, postée le 07-06-2015 à 19:01:06 (S | E)
    Hello very dear Marit from Shawinigan and friends from nearer! Sorry for not playing a few times but the coming end of the schoolyear and exams sessions overhere + home and some entertainments ...and this is it : not enough of one life !

    1- A revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair. : a merry-go-round( so nice for adults, too ! Do you have Mickey's tail to pull apart and win a free go in Canada ?
    2- A type of large fish from which caviar is obtained. .Poor female sturgeons whose eggs come out with a knife )
    3- The condition of not being present. absence should not exist for loving people
    4- The largest of all deer, found in the north of Europe and Asia. An elk instead of a koala !!.
    5- A small round swelling on the skin. : any pimple many teen-agers go on a hunt for
    6- A synonym of "to stew". to simmer ; have you ever eaten some Irish stew ?
    7- One of the two glands in the male body in shich sperm is produced. .a testicle and its mate .
    8- A medical examination of a body after death. autopsy for unnatural death or suicide
    9- A synonym of "sleepy". drowsy ? A little nap, then.
    10- A type of small common flower with a yellow centre and usually white petals. daisy ;' to push up the daisies' ?

    And that is all for 'tonight' : still sunny and clear !Thanks a lot ! Have a lovely week ,Marit and all. Take care

    Réponse : The missing vowels/126 de marit64, postée le 10-06-2015 à 23:13:16 (S | E)

    Thanks a lot to "chocolatcitron" for having reminded me about the mistake. I really appreciated it.

    It's easy to make one even if we pay attention a lot. Sorry for that.

    So long

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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