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    Aide/Covering letter

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    Aide/Covering letter
    Message de amelia44 posté le 04-06-2015 à 23:28:06 (S | E | F)
    je rencontre un petit souci avec ma lettre de motivation, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?
    Je vous remercie par avance de l'aide que vous pouvez m'apporter

    Subject: Application to the Master’s degree in Foreign Languages applied to International Business.

    Dear Mr X and Mr X,
    You hope for students with commercial and operational skills in your training? My profile matches these criteria. That is why I send you my application for the Master’s degree in Foreign Languages applied to International Business. Furthermore export that is one of the most important areas in the training is in keeping with my intended career choice.
    To be part of a professional training will allow me to work on important assignments which are essential to become an effective sales manager. My attraction for inter-culturalism, foreign languages and trade strengthen my decision guidance and enable me to fit in easily in groups or companies. My first professional experience in international business development has kindled a passion.
    In this way I would like to share my academic and professional experience with you and still studying in your university. Be sure I am going to do my best to reach the referred competencies and gain maximum knowledge. These will be necessary to make my project of internship in Germany a reality.

    Looking forward to meeting you during a future interview.
    Yours sincerely

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-06-2015 23:31

    Réponse: Aide/Covering letter de gerondif, postée le 08-06-2015 à 00:48:07 (S | E)
    deux erreurs grammaticales à rectifier:

    Subject: Application to the Master’s degree in Foreign Languages applied to International Business.

    Dear Mr X and Mr X,
    You hope for students with commercial and operational skills in your training? My profile matches these criteria. That is why I send you my application for the Master’s degree in Foreign Languages applied to International Business. Furthermore export that(non, là il faut une virgule derrière export, et ensuite résumer ce qui précède par un "ce qui", c'est à dire which) is one of the most important areas in the training,(re virgule) is in keeping with my intended career choice.
    To be part of a professional training will allow me to work on important assignments which are essential to become an effective sales manager. My attraction for inter-culturalism, foreign languages and trade strengthen my decision guidance and enable me to fit in easily in groups or companies. My first professional experience in international business development has kindled a passion.
    In this way I would like to share my academic and professional experience with you and still studying(non, parce que le verbe de départ est would like + infinitif, donc il faut un infinitif: de plus que signifie ce still, continuer à étudier? dans ce cas , utilisez to keep on studying) in your university. Be sure I am going to do my best to reach the referred competencies and gain maximum knowledge. These will be necessary to make my project of internship in Germany a reality.

    Looking forward to meeting you during a future interview.
    Yours sincerely

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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